A X surprising X Challenge

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3rd P

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3rd P.O.V

Mr.Satotz finally stopped running as he approached a closed gate. Everyone who made it there collapsed in exhaustion. Gon and his friends tried to locate each other in the big herd of fellow competitors. Gon points his nose in the air sniffing out familiar sents. He started following his nose with Kurapika and Leorio right behind him.

That brought him over to Natalie and Jay. The green haired boy smiles seeing that his friends are ok. The two walked up to their friends, seeing Natalie holding her ankle. "Natalie, Jay! I'm glad you guys made it!" Gon yells. The two looked up at him with smiles. "Yeah, we're glad you guys made it here as well." Natalie softly said.

Kurapika stares at her for a second, concerned for his injured friend. He sits down next to Natalie and places his hand gently on Natalie's head, directing her to lean on is shoulder. She happily accepted his offer and gets comfortable. Leorio scuffs, thinking- 'why didn't I think of that.' Kurapika meets his stare with a bit of his tongue peeking out of his lips.

Natalie's P.O.V

As I relaxed on kurapika's shoulder, Mr. Satotz cleared his throat. "Well, this is where I take my leave..you all did very well and I wish all of you the best of luck.. the 2nd exam is just behind these doors." He said, though I don't know if he smiled or not.

He strutted off elsewhere and everyone's attention landed on the closed doors of the large gate. They slowly opened to everyone's surprise. Jay stood up, stretching. He looks at kurapika. kurapika got the message and stood up as well, holding his hand up to me. I took it gratefully as he stood me up. I winced at the pressure that is now on my ankle, damnit when I find out who's foot was responsible for this-..I trailed off looking around the crowd. I look up at kurapika, he smiles and puts my arm around his shoulder, helping me to walk..my cheeks unknowingly turned pink.

Everyone walked into the now open gates and looked around. There at the podium, stood two instructors. One looks to be about Jay's age..with blue hair in many buns. I turned to the other one, a ginormous man was sitting behind her. "Hi everyone! As you know, this is where your 2nd exam begins!" Everyone looked at the cooking stands. "Now. This exam won't be like anything you would've guessed, but for this exam, you will be Cooking!" She cheers.

Hm, interesting. My brother and I wouldn't consider ourselves top class chefs but we are pretty good. Back home, we would cook for the troupe, they seemed to love it.

Everyone started snickering when they heard the news. I glared at them. What? Do they think this is a joke? "Why are you all laughing? These are gourmet hunters standing infront of you. Without them, you probably wouldn't make it far as any other hunter." Jay tsked. The blue haired female fanned her face with a blush.

"You're absolutely right handsome boy! We are gourmet hunters! So obviously, this exam would be about cooking." The big male stood up. "And the main course! Is pork! So get to it" everyone started rushing towards the woods. While Kurapika helped me put my weight onto him.

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