Solution X is X majority rules?

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3rd P

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3rd P.O.V

As the blimp leaves everyone stared at it, missing it's safety. Now the contestants look for a way to get to the bottom.

Natalie's P.O.V
I rotated my ankle, it's feeling better from all the rest I've received in the blimp. Scanning around the vast area of the roof we are all standing on nothing really caught my eye. How are we possibly going to get to the bottom? "Maybe we should climb down the towers side?" Leorio suggested. A man pushed his way through our group rudely. I scoffed. "Watch and learn ladies, I'm the best rock climber there is. This will be a peice of cake." He boasted. Yeah? Let's see how this plays out. He started climbing down the wall with ease. I would've been impressed, though a flying beast plucked him off the side of the tower and flew off with him. Hm~ serves him right. I cheekily smiled and walked back to the others.

"There are less people here than there was a few minutes ago." Kurapika states. I look around, he's right. The number of people keeps dropping by the minute. Gon waves us over to the other side of the roof.

As we get over there he smiles and bends down. "Gon?" Leorio questions. "Look! This is a trap door! This is how people are getting into the tower." Gon says happily. "And this isn't the only one, there is one there, there, there, there, there, and there." Killua counted while pointing at each trap door. "7 trap doors all placed together? Hm..." I pondered. "We can all go on one, though.. if some are actual traps, no hard feelings right?" Gon asks. We all agreed with him while stepping on each of the trap doors. "See ya at the bottom!" Gon laughs. "Wait- Natalie! Your ankl-" Jay screams while he drops down the trap door. All of our doors opened right after sending us down into the unknown.

I landed gracefully on my good foot, in a squatting pose. Kurapika landed on my right and Gon landed on my left. Killua landed infront of me, "MHGH-" Leorio face planted into the ground. Ouch- he looked up slowly seeing all of us landed gracefully. He huffed and got up. I giggled into my hand. As Jay was the first one here, he was already reading the scripts on the wall.

"Watches?" Leorio wonders while looking over Jay's shoulder. "Put these watches on once you have 7 people. This will be how you vote for which option you want. Majority rules." I read. "7 people?! We only have 6, who knows when the 7th person will show up! It could take hours!" Leorio cries. We all nod in agreement.

-Time Skip brought to you by Tonpa's annoying ass-

It's been a few hours until the last trap door opened. Only for the person to be Tonpa. Great.

"Tonpa?! Out of everyone why Tonpa.." leorio complained. We all shrugged and put on the watches.
Heading towards the door that just opened up there stood another sign.
"Press O to open the door. Press X to keep it closed." Gon read. 6 O's and 1 X. "Who's joker ass pressed the X?!" Leorio yelled. Everyone looked at Tonpa. "Oops it was an accident." Leorio glared at him.

We walked through the door and met with another sign. "Press O to go left. Press X to go right." Kurapika read. 3 O's and 4 X's. Leorio's face grew red. "Right?! Who chose right?!" Kurapika, killua, Tonpa, and I looked at him. "Well...everyone who is lost or panicked chooses left, so choosing right seemed like a smart move." I said. Jay and Gon rubbed their necks in embarrassment. Leorio sighed. "So? Who cares if we are a bit simple minded..." Leorio mumbles. "I for one don't care." Jay laughed. Leorio gave him a side eye but ignored it.

We entered what seemed to be a floating platform. As we entered the room, away from our side, were 7 hooded figures. One stepped out from the shadows and took his hood off. "So, who's going first?"

"That's right! Each of you will have to fight one of these prisoners! But be careful! The times ticking!" The announcements boomed. Huh, so to win this game we have to fight these would be easy if I had two healthy ankles.  "I'll go first! Let this be an apology from last time! Besides...what if the score is tied? You wouldn't want me to be the tie breaker." Tonpa reasoned. Jay crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "hm, makes sense." Leorio agreed.

The ground below us started to shake. I stumbled a bit and grabbed onto the closest thing to me. That being Kurapika. He looked down and smiled at me.

It was a path to the platform, as ours descended towards the platform, so did the prisoners side.
The man stepped onto the platform and waited for Tonpa. Tonpa strutted up with no fear. If Tonpa actually wins...I think I would let go of his past doings. "A fight to the death. That's what I want."

Everyone gasps- well except for Jay, he laughed. "Alright. If that's what you want." They got into a fighting pose. Everyone watches in silence as the prisoner lunged at Tonpa. I don't know why..but I hope Tonpa wins, for our sake but also for his life. Before the prisoner could attack Tonpa screams.

"I give up! I give up!" He cries.
"Oh I think he means time out for a second?" Leorio replied. Tonpa then runs back to us. You know what, I take back what I said. I will personally push him into the depths of this cliff. Everyone gave Tonpa a death glare. The prisoner starts to laugh.

"Alright, I guess the first point goes to me then." A small chime could be heard from the prisoners side. Right above them was a score board with a number 1 on it. That bastard...

"If we get 3 more points than we win, for each hour wasted here..we get to reduce our sentence back years."

"Why would you do that?! Are you trying to get us disqualified?!" Leorio yelled. Tonpa started laughing.

"That's exactly what I'm trying to do." Jay slammed his hand around Tonpa's throat. "I knew it! I knew you were the one causing all this pain to my sister! I'm going to kill you. I'm going to kill you!" Jay yelled in his face. Bloodlust seeping through everyone's core. I looked towards the boys. Gon, kurapika, and Leorio's expressions look worried....and, a bit scared. "Jay, let him go..." I tried to calm him.

His hair was flying with his bloodlust, eyes blank with nothing but murder on his mind. My expression softened. Jay...

Jay's P.O.V

My eyes were blurred with rage. Anyone who puts a hand on my sister will live through horrible torture, then maybe I'll put them out of their misery. Tonpa stares into my eyes, mortified. He struggled to scratch at my arm. His eyes were slowly closing, I gasped and dropped him on the ground..Tonpa passed out, cold.

"Well, now that you are all pumped up how about we go?" Someone said from the shadows. I turn my head towards the prisoner side. There stood two figures. They uncloaked themselves. There, standing infront of us....stood... what the fuck?

Natalie's P.O.V

We all look towards the newcomers.
As they uncloaked themselves we saw their appearance. There stood a boy that seems to be my age...that looks oddly like Jay, his dark brown hair reaches just enough to touch his shoulders. His eyes were a bit duller than Jay's but still a stormy blueish grey color. His skin though was pale, I'm guessing from the lack of sun they get. Beside him, stood an older Girl- that looked like me.

She seemed about Jay's age. She has curly red hair, with bright green eyes. Her skin also not receiving any sunlight. She smiled at us. "My- why don't you two look familiar." She teased. Who knew we would've met dopilganers in this exam. "So, how about it? You two versus us?" She asks. I look at Jay, he nodded his head, still heated about what happened prior to this conversation.

We walked onto the platform, waiting for further information. "How about a fight to the death?."

"I'm down." I shrug.

"Well. I don't know.." the boy shivers while looking at Jay. Jay growls under his breath and the boy jumps and glares.

"Ready? Begin!" The girl screamed.

Here we go..... be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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