the truth

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One month later

It's been one month since that incident has happened...yibo still doesn't remember anything and zhan can't do anything and remember it every night...Ying started having feelings for pearl and same goes to nomi...but pearl doesn't know it yet...

Ying thought of confessing today...

"Hi pearl" she said why sitting next to her, Pearl didn't answer but just looked at her and nodded..

"How are you?"

"Am fine" replied pearl coldly

"I wanted to tell you something"


"I-i a-m in love with you"...before pearl could answer someone else answered her.

"SHE'S MINE!" Everyone looked towards the person who said that..

"Am sorry but she is already mine gotta back off"

"As I remember I never said that I'm yours or you're mine" said pearl while staring at the person who was for some reason blushing..

"I don't even know you"

"We'll you can know me now..My name is nomi..Kim nomi...and am in love with you my bestie's name is Wang yibo who has a crush on a asshole name zhan I actually told him many times that his an asshole but he doesn't listen to me!!!"

Nomi didn't realised what she said until zhan said "BITCH WTF ARE YOU TAKKING ABOUT...SINCE WHEN HE FELL IN LOVE WITH ME"

"did I just talked to much" said nomi while mentally slapping herself...

Than when wang yibo enter the class while ignoring everyone's eye on him but not zhan's he found it weird...he went nomi and said..."come with me" he said kinda coldly...

Nomi followed him...knowing well that zhan is also following them but she didn't said anything...

"Nomi something is wrong and you also"

"What you mean?"

"Nomi!!the bodies they are literally disappearing...yesterday the girl we tortured is now missing"

"Wait what?!"..."yes"

"So what you thinking of doing?!".."I don't know..we need to find the bodies they are literally not even dead yet"

"How do you know that"..said someone with a deep voice..

"K-know what?" Said yibo while kinda trembling ,thinking zhan have heard everything thing and now he will hate him...

"How do you know that the bodies are not yet dead"

"I-i..." yibo was literally thinking he will get a panick attack...

"Stay cool, don't panick my psychopath lover.."

Said zhan living yibo in shock...
"Explain your babyboy tho" said nomi

"Yes with all my know you are a psychopath..killing people for me..I even know the killer wangji inside you  well I know everything about you since you entered this father is a mafia..which makes me one to..and the group bloody hands is a undercover mafia which there are 6 members..."

"6 members but doesn't it have 5..." asked yibo curiously...

"Well the 6th member is way more undercover than's..your bestfriend"

That's it yibo was about to faint but zhan caught him in the right time..

"Aish y'all being lovely dovely infront of a single ass" said nomi with a am done voice...

"Where is your one?"
"Am here!" Said someone while coming inside...

"Ya what took you so you have to gimme a 5 minute kiss" said nomi while hugging the person like a koala..

"Any further plan?"
"Can't we just kill them...and hey yibo i  think you do know me or you don't well...I am pearl..nomi's wife or husband and zhan's cousin..."

Yibo was still processing what in the actual heaven was happening...

After 2 weeks

Now yibo know the whole truth...he find out about zhan falling in love with him that made him expectedly very happy...nomi's marriage, even about they day he was druk and zhan fucked him on the floor ...he stays with zhan now because nomi stays with pearl..her house is near zhan...Mr Won who gave a contract to nomi for killing pearl was found dead a week ago the suspect was Chan....he went to the jail for 5 years....and they all lived a happy life ever after..


If y'all find this ending not good that y'all can tell me..imma make a season 2 of it also don't forget to vote my story and my second story..thanks for the support y'all gave me..bye bye take care

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