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It was Friday now, and tonight, you are going with Steven to the rave he invited you to. As you worked, your nerves felt shot. Could this possibly be considered a date? But wouldn't he clarify if it was? Do you want it to be a date? Your mind was scrambling all day, causing you to be too anxious to even eat.

You were now shaking every time you handled an object or completed a task. So here you are, handing Steven a clipboard to sign off on someone's class schedule.

"Y'know, I don't know why they still have me do this, I left for a whole year and somehow, I'm still doing stuff like this," Steven seemed to be frustrated with the responsibility of signing every class schedule. You smiled and shakily took the clipboard from him. Steven, who was one lost in thought and barely paying attention, was now staring at you hard. His face held the utmost seriousness.

"Y/n, are you okay? You're shaking... and you're really pale," he grabbed your arm gently. If you weren't so fatigue feeling right, you swore your face would be bright red. You looked at his hand and gave him a warm smile.

"I'm okay, just haven't eaten today," you say, as if it's nothing, which it is mostly normal for you not to eat in the morning or afternoon. Steven didn't like how you responded. You just said you haven't eaten, like it was no big deal. You are clearly fatigued. How could you be so careless with yourself? He thought. He wants you to be healthy and happy. He can't stand to see the person he likes to just not eat.

"Y/n, that's really not good for you. Is everything okay? Do you normally not eat in the morning?" You were now sitting on a bench behind one of the buildings, Steven sat next to you. He placed his hand on yours.

"Steven, I'm okay, really! I'm just, I guess, I don't know, nervous? About tonight. I mean, yeah, I skip the every other day breakfast, but that's normal for me, " you laughed, trying not to make things too serious.

"Why are you nervous about tonight? We're gonna have so much fun, you'll get to meet a lot of my friends," he smiled reassuringly, "and we'll work on the breakfast thing later."

"I'm just worried about myself is all, worried I'll be too awkward or weird, I don't know. It's hard to make friends, I guess," you place your head in your hands.

"Hey, you'll do great, and if it makes you feel better, I wanted to be friends with you the moment I saw you," he smiled, in that moment it was like little hearts floated around him and romantic music was playing. You could stare in awe. Steven blushed, realizing what he had just said, and quickly turned away. He remembered the reason you two were here and dug in his bag. He pulled out a protein bar and handed it to you.

"I um, gotta go help Pearl, bye!" He got up quickly, and speed walked away. You smiled to yourself. He's so cute, you thought. He mentally face palmed himself as he walked away, wondering how he's so cheesy.

Hours later, little homeschool had ended for the day. Which meant you had to go home to change, to go with Steven to the rave. He said it wasn't really like a rave, more just like a party. Which really seemed to make you less anxious.

"Hey, Y/n!" Steven yelled, which cause you to jump, "Sorry."

"It's okay," you smiled, turning around, "Um, what time is that party?"

"It's at eight, so in three hours from now," he said, looking at his watch, "Do you want a ride today? I would walk, but there's something I gotta do before we go tonight."

"It's okay, Steven," you smiled, feeling disappointed you won't be walking with him today.

"Are you sure? Have you eaten anything since earlier? Just let me drive you home," he pushed.

Obsessed! Future Steven Universe x Depressed ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now