Somebody To You

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A group of 4 chasing a man in an alley way. Daniel sprint to the man and tackle him down. All four of them quickly surrounded the man.

Daniel: You have nowhere to run.

Criminal: Heh! that doesn't mean you can catch me that easily.

Guy: Don't try to act tough old man. You can't escape us.

Criminal: You kids don't even know who I am.

Girl 1: We need to bring him back now or else he'll escape.

Girl 2: We never know what kind of wizardry he'll do next.

The guy then cuff him and drag him to their armored vehicle. The criminal doesn't seems to resist them.

Criminal: Hey kid.

Daniel: What you want.

Thr guy and the criminal stops.

Criminal: Your name's Daniel right?

Daniel: How do you...

Criminal: *chuckles* You wanna know something? Do you remember who killed your dad?

Daniel: Don't tell me...

Criminal: That's right. I killed your dad! *maniac laugh*

Daniel wake up from the nightmare, with sweats covering his body.

Daniel: Oh god it's that nightmare again... It just won't stop haunting me.

Daniel gets up from his makeshift bed. He then sit on the couch and turn on the tv. The mayor's speech is being shown on tv about how he's going to change the city. Daniel quickly turn off the tv with full of hatred.

Daniel: You motherfucker. Where did you keep my sister.


The doorbell rings.

Alan: Who's that?

Alyce: I'll go check.

Alyce opened the door. She sees Theo and Eve in front of the door.

Alyce: *gasp* Eve!

Eve and Alyce hug each other.

Eve: Haven't seen you for so long. I really miss you.

Theo: Hey, what about me?

Alyce: Aww, you too Theo.

Alan: Alyce, who's at the do- Theo!

Theo: Alan my man. What's up?

Alan: Oh man. You don't even know how much I miss your laugh.

Theo: Oh, really?

Alan: Yeah.

Theo: Hahahaha!

Alyce: Where have you guys been?

Eve: We had to do a task in an urban area. That's why you couldn't contact us.

Theo: Hey at least the job is done now.

Alan: Come inside man. We made some tea, if you'd like.

Eve: Sure!


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