Hunted Soul

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Alyce walk out of her room.

Alan: Let's go Alyce.

Alyce: Where?

Alan: Find the criminal. Eve and Theo has already left searching for him.

Alyce: I just don't think we should.

Alan: What are talking about? It's our task.

Alyce: Well... Nevermind then.

Alan: Something is weird about you since we met that criminal.

Alyce: It's nothing. I'm just... tired I guess

Alan: Alyce, you promised me to not keep any secrets for yourself.

Alyce: It's nothing, Alan. Don't worry.

Alan: Okay, but you have to tell me once we're home.

Alyce: Okay, I will.


Eve: I don't see him anywhere.

Theo: He could be hiding somewhere here because this place looks like a place for criminals.

Eve: Something is above us.

Theo: Shit! Look out!

They both dodge incoming object. Then a guy with an armoured suit appears on the ground.

Guy: *maniac laugh*. Look who we got here.

Theo: Who are you.

Guy: People call be Brix. And I think it also applies to you people.

Eve: That's an odd name.

Theo: Doesn't matter. This guy looks like a threat.

Brix: Good guess.

Theo: What you want.

Brix: Well well well, same thing that all villain wants. Your death!

Brix throws a chained scythe but they both quickly avoided it.

Theo: Jesus!

Eve: That looks like poison on at the tip. Gotta watch out.

Theo charge him with a shield. Brix pull out an Assault Rifle and shoot the shield while Theo just stands there trying to counter the knockback.

Eve trying to sneak up behind Brix while being invisible but Brix's motion sensor picked up her presence thus Brix quickly change target.

Eve: What...

Brix points a pistol to Eve.


Theo: Eve, no!

Brix: Your turn.

Theo: Not this time.

Theo pull out a heavy sword and slash towards Brix. It create a projectile made out of Sython energy

But instead of hurting Brix, his suit absorb the energy.

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