Everything Falls

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Zander: This is the end for you, Daniel.

Emmy and Alan start attacking Daniel. Daniel tries to avoid every of their attack but Emmy manage to do some damage to him.

Daniel: Shit! This is not good. I gotta get them out of here.

Daniel dashes towards Lenny.

Lenny: Daniel, get out of here!

Daniel: What about you guys!?

He looks at Theo as he's being electricute by Zander.

Daniel: Theo, no!

Zander: Isn't it fun to see your friend suffer?

Lenny: Go save yourself first!

Daniel: I can't leave yo-

Theo: Go save yourself, Daniel! We'll find our way to get out.

Daniel: I...

Lenny: Just go Daniel! This is the only way!

Emmy and Alan is coming towards Daniel wanting to attack him. He dodges all of their attack and make a run for the window. Right before he's about to jump, he looks behind him. He sees Lenny being chocked by Zander. Lenny looks at Daniel and tries to nod indicating that he has to leave.

Daniel: I'm sorry everyone.

Daniel jumps out of the window and skydive before pulling out his wings and glides slowly towards the ground. He sees his teammates nearby and glides towards them.

Dread: Daniel! W-Where are the others?

Daniel: They're...

Dread: They are what!?

Daniel: *sighs in dissappointment* Zander got them.

Dread: And you just leave them like that?

Daniel: I had no other choice. I panicked.

Sammy: What happened?

Daniel: Emmy and Alan is... being controlled by him. Theo and Lennny got taken.

Eve: I thought our plan worked.

Daniel: It didn't. Look, I'm sorry alright. I did try my best but I failed. It's all my fault...

Sammy: Maybe it's not. We had a solid plan but the only thing that's stopping us is him. Now we just have to find a way to save them and at the same time, stop him from executing his plan.

Daniel: I shouldn't have put you guys into this problem. I don't know what was I thinking.

Eve: There's no time for any regret. We have come this far and the only thing we can do is move on. We can save them.

Dread: Why does everything has to go wrong. Jesus!


Zander: They really think they are sneaky enough for me. Brix!

Brix enters the door.

Brix: Yes, Mr. Mayor?

Zander: It's time.

Brix: Aye aye, Mr. Mayor.

Brix runs to the command center room laughing maniacally. He enters and said

Brix: Release the gas! Release the gas!!!

One of the command center operator presses a switch. One of the monitor shows a popup that reads "Warning! Gas Released!".

Brix laughing like a maniac.

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