What's Left?

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Daniel: You really wanna see everyone suffer right? Why don't we suffer together?

Daniel walk towards the broken window.

Daniel: This is what you did to me back then! This is what you want people to feel! You took everything from me! Now it's time to take everything back from you.

Zander: Daniel, this is suicide.

Daniel: I don't care if it's suicide. You did this. I'm just continuing what you did. I have nothing left to lose so I can just die anytime I want.

Zander: This is not what you think Daniel!

Daniel: Then what is it!

Zander: This city is full of corruption. I want to change the city by making everyone leave. So that I can...

Daniel: Can what!?

Zander: So that I can change it!

Daniel puts away the lighter.

Daniel: By destroying it?

Zander It's not what think Daniel. I just-

Daniel: Just say you wanted revenge.

Zander: What? H-How'd you know-

Daniel: I may not live for as long as you have but I know what you're doing. But doing this to other people is still a sin, you know. So I will be the devil that will take you out.

Daniel once again takes out his lighter.

Daniel: Say goodbye to your little world, Zander.

Zander: Daniel, no!

Daniel light the lighter and drop it outside.

Daniel: I'm sorry everyone...

The fire quickly spread and creates an explosion throughout the city.


Somewhere outside of the city.

Dread: Is that an explosion?

Sammy: No...

Emmy: Daniel!

Eve: Daniel... Daniel, no...

Theo: He sacrifices himself just for us. What a man.

Lenny: Daniel, I'm sorry...

They all watch the explosion from a distant. Some of them cried seeing the explosion. The buildings falls apart one by one and the headquarter finally falls to the ground.

Theo: He really did that. Big respect for him.


Daniel becomes unconscious. Zander is nowhere to be found. The city has only few buildings left.

The camera cuts to them searching for Daniel.

Sammy: Where is he?

Theo: Probably somewhere around the headquarter.

Dread: Oh my god. It's just full of dust.

Emmy: I just wanna find Daniel at this point.

Somewhere in a distant, a voice can be heard.

Lenny: Guys I found him!

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