possessed shakes chapter 1

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shakes and his friends has just arrived at Paris for their next big match against skarra and his team once again shakes and his friends had arrived in their dorm rooms where they would be staying for a few nights the other super strikes were acting a big weird and shakes was wondering what was going on he was going to ask his friends when he suddenly got a call from the manager of the field they were playing on and he wanted shakes to make sure he was their to check if the field was right for playing shakes said he would and the manager sent the location on his phone shakes looked at it in confusion as it looked like a muddle mess with left and right centre and upside down so shakes just shook his head and just decided to follow one direction and see where it took him but when shakes went back to his dorm room to grab his supplies he got a big surprise.

His friends and coach were all in his dorm room and they yelled ''surprise!'' shakes was confused and said '' you guys my birthday isn't for another month...'' twisting tiger placed his hand on shakes shoulder and said '' this isn't a birthday surprise we just found something that you might want to have...'' el matador then pulled out a box from his pocket and handed it to shakes, shakes opened the box and saw an old pocket watch with a picture of shakes and his dad '' wow but I thought-'' shakes was about to finish but then was interrupted by Klaus and said '' we found that a fan of ours had found this necklace when his family went to the area where your father disappeared at and gave it us as a gift so we decided to give it you as a token of friendship!'' shakes smiled and said ''thanks guys anyways I have to get going the manager wants me to check the fields to make sure they are a- okay anyways bye!'' shakes then left his dorm room leaving the rest of the super strikas smiling.

shakes had arrived at the location he followed for the first time taking two rights and then a left and found he was at some sort of abandoned old store house he was about to leave until he heard some sort of noise coming from the abandoned old store house shakes decided to investigate it he entered the place and looked around but after a few minutes he found there was nothing there he shrugged and exited the store house unaware on what had attached to him.

the end of chatter 1 

I got this idea from a dream and from trollhunter when Claire got possessed there are a few things that I would be taking from trollhunter but the rest is totally my idea I hope you guys enjoy the rest of these series 

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