possessed shakes chapter 4

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Shakes or rather dacha was enjoying shakes body and his football techniques he just needed to stay in his body for a few more days until the big match and even then he wouldn't let shakes go not when he was just the perfect host he was at shakes's locker grabbing something when Blok appeared and done his brisolvian accent since dacha didn't speak brisolvian even in shake's body he couldn't understand what he was saying so he just replied '' sure Blok that's cool...'' he then grabbed his bag and walked out of the changing room Blok looked at him in confusion since what he was saying was if he shakes was alright he knew something was up including when he looked at shakes's shadow it looked completely different it was a taller man with a beard Blok looked shocked and knew he had to get the rest of the team involved in this.

'' what do you mean shakes is acting weird Blok?'' asked north, the rest of the team had arrived at the changing rooms and Blok had just explained that something wasn't right he then said in is little English he had '' he did not understand Blok's language and look'' Blok then pulled out his phone and showed the photo of shakes's weird shadow the rest of the team was confused '' yeah man this is weird and last night when I went to check up on shakes he said he was perfectly fine man'' said Rasta and then twisting tiger then said '' yeah but clearly something isn't right I mean first the dizzy spells and weird action then him not understanding Blok and then his shadow something is definitely wrong here...'' then the rest of the team then heard someone coming so they decided to hide behind lockers they then saw shakes or what looked to be shakes entering the locker rooms the others gasped when they saw shakes's eyes they were yellow with black el matador then whispered and said '' that's what his eye colour was like the night he destroyed the lockers...'' the others looked shocked and kept looking at shakes who didn't look so good he then started to cough and then a yellow beam of light spewed out of shakes's body the others looked in horror as the person who Blok saw as it's shadow was towering over shakes '' let me go! I don't want to do this dacha!'' yelled shakes he tried to run but found himself glued to the floor '' I'm sorry kid as long as I'm under your skin your actions belong to me even if I'm out of your body and besides once I defeat all those enemy teams I intend to go after your friends I believe they are getting suspicious over me it will be a pleasure to kill them with your own two hands'' said dacha shakes then looked scared and said '' no way I will never ever hurt my friends!'' dacha then smiled and said '' will see about that kid..'' he then turned back into the yellow beam of light and shot back into shakes's body his eyes then turned back to yellow with black and left the changing rooms the rest of the team got out their hiding spots and the Klaus started to panic '' who was that? why is he in shakes's body? and he's going to kill us!'' cool Joe then stopped him and said '' calm down Klaus first we need to find out who he is does anyone here know someone named dacha?'' he looked around the team who looked uncertained but then twisting tiger then said '' yeah I know him and lets be honest it's not a good story.'' 

the end of chapter 4

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