possessed shakes chapter 2

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Shakes was asleep in his dorm room when he started to have some sort of discomfort he then opened his eyes revealing to be yellow and black he got up from his bed and exited from his dorm and went to the downstairs locker rooms unaware that el matador's cameras (who el matador set up went they got there) was recording his actions.

The next day shakes woke up from his bed again with his eyes regular he saw el matador in his room '' oh hey el matador what's up?'' asked shakes as he did his morning stretches '' morning shakes amigo how are you? slept good?'' asked el matador as he followed shakes to shakes tv '' yeah why?'' asked shakes while he was checking up on a report from the last super strikas match el matador then said '' well amigo I check up on the cameras and well.....'' he then pulled out his laptop and turned on the security footage and it showed shakes exited his dorm room and went to the locker room and seemed to destroy most of the lockers shakes gasped and then slammed el matador laptop shut and then said '' I-i don't remember doing any of that I can't deal with this right now I need to go to practice'' he then switched off his tv and grabbed his bag but then he dropped something out if his bag and it rolled underneath his bed shakes went to grab it and saw some signs from the restaurant that was near their dorm rooms shakes hand shook with fright and quickly dropped the item he was holding and stood back up and left his dorm room leaving el matador confused and worried.

Later on at the fields coach had called the team to the lockers room and then said '' last night someone broke into the restaurant stole the signs and before that they broke into the locker rooms and destroyed most of the lockers until we find out who I'm afraid practice will be cancelled for today'' the rest of the team were shocked except for shakes who just looked frightened and scared, Blok noticed this and spoke in his Brisolvian accent and then shakes replied '' yeah Blok I-i'm fine'' shakes then walked off leaving his team confused and worried.

later on in twisting tigers dorm room shakes began to have some dizzy spells and north saw this and said '' hey shakes dude you okay?'' shakes shook his head a little and said ''y-yeah I-i'm fine I just need to go to the bathrooms does anyone know where they are?'' cool Joe then replied and said '' yeah there right next to my dorm room just take a left and then a right and you should find them...'' shakes nodded and got up from twisting tigers bed and left the dorm room Rasta was about to follow him but was stop by big bo '' just give him some space for a bit Rasta he needs to be by himself for a while...'' Rasta nodded but still looked concerned and worried and thought to himself...

''what is going on with shakes lately?''

the end of chapter 2

super strikas possessed shakesWhere stories live. Discover now