Candace's Friends

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"Watcha doin'?" (Y/n) sighed as he looked up from his magazine over to the door of his room where his sister was standing. He was laying on his bed. 

"Reading and wishing I had locked my door" the boy replied a bit more harshly than he had meant to.

Isabella huffed. "I just came to tell you my mom has our breakfasts ready. Don't worry, I'm done trying to be your sister" the girl turned around and walked out of the room angrily.

(Y/n) sat up and watched as the girl walked off. "I thought that would have taken longer" he slowly stood up as he placed his magazine down and walked out of the room.

Once in the kitchen the boy grabbed his food and sat down across from Isabella. They were the only two in the room. He cut his waffles up as he glanced up at the girl. She stared at her food and refused to look up at her brother.

The two ate in silence. Even Pinky, the chihuahua, was silent as he ate his dog food in the corner of the room.

(Y/n) had to admit he was kind of getting some sick sort of joy out of seeing the constant annoyed look on Isabella's face. Unfortunately that feeling was dampened by slight guilt at feeling that feeling.

Soon enough Isabella had finished her food and stood up before walking away.

(Y/n) stood up a moment later as he too had finished his food. He stayed there for a moment before trying to figure out what he could do that day. He would go and hang out with Perry but he assumed Isabella was already going to Phineas and Ferb's house.


Isabella glanced in the kitchen window and was not disappointed. Her plan seemed to be working. Her brother looked unsure about what to do. Soon enough he'd either have to make friends of his own or start being nice to her. Hopefully he'd choose the latter but she had no control over that.

She looked away before walking down the property before crossing the street. She'd go hang out with Phineas and Ferb while she waited to see what (y/n) did.


Candace watched out the window, waiting for her friends, as (y/n) dragged a lawn chair from the backyard into the driveway and faced it towards the street as he sat down on it.

The boy lifted up his latest magazine and flipped open the first page. "Is reading that magazine all he does?" She asked herself quietly as she continued to watch him.

"Candace? What're you doing?" Candace jumped a couple minutes later at the sound of a voice behind her. She quickly turned around to the face of Vanessa Doofenshmirtz.

"Huh? Oh I'm staring at the new neighbor

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"Huh? Oh I'm staring at the new neighbor. All I've seen him do is read that stupid magazine" Candace replied before turning back to the window. "How did you get inside anyways?"

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