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"Welcome back, son."

Mario turned as he saw his parents there.

He asked, "Mama... Papa... what's going on...?"

His father answered, "What do you mean? I mean you were just headed to work?"

Mario repeated, "Work? What about the Mushroom Kingdom?"

His mother questioned, "The Mushroom Kingdom? You haven't been able to go back since you saved Princess Peach?"

Mario breathed, "Wait what? What about Luigi...?"

His father and mother both looked down. Mario knew it was coming. He just couldn't explain it.

His father finally stated, "He's stuck in the kingdom."

Mario finally broke down and cried. He held onto his parents, sobbing.

He was quiet, "H-he doesn't deserve me as a brother..."

Just like that fateful night.


When Mario opened his eyes again, he found himself once again back at the castle. This time, Luigi was asleep next to him.

Mario stammered, "W - Weegie?"

Luigi slowly woke up, seeing Mario awake. "M - Malleo?"

Mario hugged his brother, in tears. Luigi returned it, holding his brother close. Mario told Luigi everything he saw in those dreams. Luigi didn't understand most of it but chalked it up to the Bean Bean Fever.

Mario sniffled, "It was awful..."

Luigi reassured, "Don't worry, fratello. I'm just glad you are okay." Mario wiped his eyes. Luigi added, "But...we have a problem. Cackletta took Bowser's body and has Peach!"

Mario did a double take, "Wait what...?" 

He thought, 'This doesn't make any sense at all! Cackletta was defeated a long time ago!'


The red capped hero turned to the man in green.

Mario apologized, "Sorry. But you are right. Let's get back to the castle. Maybe we can come up with a plan."

Luigi added jokingly, "Yeah and get yelled at by Toadsworth while we are at it."

As the man in green went ahead, Mario took his time getting up. While he was unsure of what Dimentio was doing, he liked this nightmare so far.


Until now. The hero of the kingdom ran outside and to his horror, Bowletta had slashed her claws straight through Luigi.

Mario cried out, "WEEGIE!"

Bowletta laughed evilly, not saying anything. Mario was in absolute tears. Luigi looked at him, the tears rolling down his face.

Luigi groaned, "L - looks like dad was right. I did hold you back..."

Before the man in red could protest, it was too late. Luigi was dead. Mario fell to his knees, completely heartbroken. Luigi was gone.

Mario stammered, "L - Luigi..."

Mario kept crying. This couldn't be happening. Just when the thick mist came in, the Thunderhand stopped it. Mario looked up, in tears still, as he saw Luigi there. But there was something different about him.

He seemed dreamier.

Luigi turned to Mario and asked, "Malleo?"

Mario hiccupped, "D - Dreamy Luigi...?"

To that, the dream version of the ghost hunter nodded. Mario hugged him so fast that Dreamy Luigi barely had time to react. Mario buried his head into Dreamy Luigi's shoulder. Dreamy Luigi held him close.

Dreamy Luigi promised, "I'm here, fratello. I'm here."

Mario sniffled, "M - maybe with you by my side, we can get out of here to stop Dimentio."

Dreamy Luigi asked, "Dimentio?"

Mario explained, "Yeah, he took the Dark Prognosticus to find the Chaos Heart."

Dreamy Luigi stated, "Then we better get you out of here." He looked around and saw something in the distance. He added, "I see the exit just up ahead." He took Mario's hand and further added, "To prevent more nightmares, you'll need to close your eyes."

Mario closed his eyes, on the request of his brother. They held onto each other. Mario trusted Dreamy Luigi. He could feel the light coming from the dreamy version of his brother. He knew it wasn't a trick.

Mario asked, "Are we almost there, Weegie?"

Dreamy Luigi answered, "Si, we just got here. It's a warp pipe, a clear one. That's the way out, Malleo."

Mario questioned, "Can I open my eyes now?"

Dreamy Luigi stated, "Yes, go ahead."

True to his word, there was the clear pipe. Dreamy Luigi was standing on his side, his dreamy self glowing a rainbow light.

Mario raised a brow, "Dreamy Luigi?"

Dreamy Luigi promised, "Don't worry, I'm getting ready to leave. I'll see you in Evershade Valley."

To that, Mario nodded. He went into the clear pipe as Dreamy Luigi left the nightmares, a smile on his face. That took most of his power to get the hero of the kingdom out of here. To him, it was worth it.


Mario woke up, this time for real, and saw that he was still in the same place that Dimentio had placed the spell on him. Mario looked around. When he didn't see the jester, he figured that he went to go find the Chaos Heart. Mario ran over to his kart nearby and drove himself to Evershade Valley.


When the man in red got there, Luigi was waiting for him outside of E. Gadd's lab.

Luigi cried out, "Mario!"

Mario cried out, "Luigi!"

The two brothers had a huge embrace. They were so glad to be back together. Mario was sobbing.

Luigi stated, "I'm here, right here."

"I'm right here too~"

Both of the brothers perked up. Before they could react, Luigi pushed Mario away fast. A cage appeared, trapping the plumber. Dimentio had Luigi in a magical hand. Mario looked and saw that the jester had trapped Violet, E. Gadd, and Spettro in a special cage. One where Spettro couldn't escape.

Mario breathed, "Oh no..." He turned to Dimentio and snarled, "Let go of my brother!"

Dimentio wagged his finger, "No, no, no. I must thank you for leading me to the Chaos Heart."

Mario demanded, "What are you talking about?!"

Dimentio pointed out, "Blumiere and Timpani banished the Chaos and Purity Heart into the one place no one would've expected."

Violet paled, "Luigi..."


Wishmaker1028: Well this isn't good! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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