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E. Gadd was scared, too scared to say anything. Spettro whined sadly.

Mario gasped, "So you put me into a nightmare world, knowing that Dreamy Luigi would come in and save me. With me getting to Luigi, you could swoop in and take him prisoner..."

Luigi groaned, "Oh man! I hate helping with his plans!" He activated his Thunderhand, shocking Dimentio as he did. Dimentio let go of him as Luigi activated his Thunderhand wings. He further added, "But you aren't completing this plan!"

Mario celebrated, "Totally agree, fratello!" He activated his Firebrand as he burned the bars, freeing himself. He taunted, "Forgot about our powers, didn't you?"

Dimentio smirked as he used his magic to take away their powers. Luigi fell to the earth.

Violet cried out, "Luigi!"

Mario ran over to the ghost hunter, about to catch Luigi. But the jester caught him first. Dimentio worked fast, taking the Chaos Heart. Mario, Violet, and Elvin all gasped in horror. Dimentio flung Luigi away, giving the brothers their powers back. Mario caught Luigi fast but the man in green looked like he was dying. For real this time.

Mario knew that he had to do something. And fast. Mario placed Luigi down carefully as he freed the others. He turned to Elvin.

He pleaded, "Watch over him?"

Elvin smiled weakly, "You can count on me and Spettro."

To that, he nodded. Violet ran off with Mario, both of them ready for anything. Dimentio was a bit further ahead, opening up multiple portholes, using the Chaos Heart. Mario activated his Firebrand, drawing the jester's attention.

Mario growled, "Give back the Chaos Heart!"

Dimentio told him, "Not happening. Plus didn't the nightmare realm teach you anything? Not to face things alone?"

"Who said he was alone?"

Dimentio turned and saw Violet taking the Chaos Heart from him. She froze his hand in the process.

Mario stated, "Now!"

As he said that, the two of them wailed on Dimentio until he escaped into one of the portholes.

Violet replied, "That can't be good."

Mario responded, "Let's get the Chaos Heart back to Luigi before we pursue Dimentio."

To that, the ice wielder nodded.


It was later in the day that the heroes returned to the portholes. Spettro stayed with Elvin. And since Luigi was feeling better, he went with them.

Luigi wrinkled his nose, "So why would Dimentio need these portholes...?" Before he could say anything else, one of the portholes drew him in. He cried out, "Malleo! Vi!"

"Weegie!" They both cried out.

Too late as the ghost hunter fell through the porthole and it closed...


"Give him some room, pups. He's starting to wake up."

Luigi groaned, seeing a young kid there. With him were six pups.

Luigi sat up and promised, "I'm fine, thanks." He asked, "Who are you?"

The boy was surprised as one of the pups talked. 

The Chocolate Labrador asked, "You don't know of Ryder?"

Luigi did a double take, "Wait, you can talk?"

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