CHAPTER 10: ''Ah, there it is. Bitterness''

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I got out of the car. I put my keys and my wallet in my bag as  I walked to the main hall of the Airport. I looked around, trying to figure out with what company I was going to fly. It shouldn't be much of a choice. I Should've stolen Tony's private yet for a few hours. This shouldn't be a big problem and I didn't think he'd mind either. Perhaps If I asked nicely. He'd give it to me. 

I was never good at running away and it has been proven to me time and time again. I grabbed my phone and dialed Tony's number, Lucky for me he immediately picked up. 

"Took you long enough" I laughed. 

"Can I get the jet?" I knew he had a massive grin on his face. 

"Oh, you're good" Tony laughed. 

"I know I wanted to ask first, seemed like a waste paying for a ticket" 

I walked to a coffee shop, with one hand in my pocket and the other holding my phone against my ear. 

"I'll get someone to fly you there" I heard something falling on the other side. 

"What are you doing?" I asked. 

"I'm working on a new suit" Tony grunted as he picked up whatever he dropped  

"Of course, you are" I scratched the top of my head, shifting nervously. 

 "What else do you want?" he asked as a chuckle escaped him.

"You know my suit I started making?" Tony hummed. 

"Finish it for me and put in this emerald green color," I said. "Okay, but you used all of your wishes now" Tony joked. "Really? I thought I got three wishes" I bit the nail of my thumb. Tony laughed. 

"Consider it done, go catch your flight sweetheart" I smiled at the nickname he gave me. 

"Thank you, tell Steve I'll be back in two days and to only call in an emergency. That's not a question" Tony laughed. "Yes, ma'am now you have used all three of your wishes" He hung up the phone before I could protest. after a while, I grabbed my coffee and my bag and went to the gate. When I got there the pilot and the stewardess were standing there waiting for me. "Hi, thank you for coming so fast" I shook the pilot's hands. Followed by the steward. "Not a problem, ms Evans" I finally got on the flight.

3 hours passed till' we landed in Washington D.C. I spent it sleeping. I figured I was going to need it. "Ms. Evans, we're going to land soon" I jumped up by the touch with a soft voice she apologized I just shook it off. 

 I nodded, and put on my seatbelt.  After we landed I grabbed my stuff and headed to the door. But not before I said my thank you's.

I walked down the stairs onto the tarmac. A black Mercedes was waiting there when I got down. I stood there for a second, checking it out. A man dressed in a black suit opened the door for me. His hair was combed back and he was wearing an earpiece. An American flag pin was hanging on the jacket of his suit. "Sir" I grabbed the bag on my shoulder closer to my body. He opened the door. I looked inside and saw Peggy sitting there.

"Peggy" My voice was soft. I got in the car. "Hello, darling" She spread her arms. I hugged her. "It's so good to see you" she squeezed me a little bit. "You look great," Peggy said. "Thank you" I smiled sheepishly. The last time I saw her was when I first arrived in 1999 and  I only saw her very briefly. She was a busy woman back then.  "You don't feel so great" she pointed out. I wasn't surprised by how fast she'd pick up my feelings. She was a spy after all. 

The car drove off and I fell back in my seat. I shook my head. "I have all the time in the world now," she said, a soft smile on her face.  I turned sideways one leg on the seat and the other on the ground. I started explaining everything that had happened. Well, not everything. I left some of it out. I figured that some parts wouldn't go over well.

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