CHAPTER 15: ''Ignorance is bliss, right?''

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"Me neither" was the last thing Ransom said before she jumped out of the building. I ran up to the edge. I lost feeling in my hands completely when I saw that she making her way down fast.  I was looking for my bracelets to activate my new suit but to my surprise, she was able to activate her powers on time and was able to stay afloat. I took a deep breath as I placed a hand over my heart. I pushed the comms in my ear. "Ransom, you know I'm a heart patient right?" Ransom looked up and grinned. She then focused her eyes back on Loki and pushed him into Thor's arms.

I was relieved when she didn't decide to kill him like she promised him. I don't think she would've been able to live with it.

"Tony, we have a problem" Natasha yelled, interrupting my thoughts.

"What now?"

"There's a missile coming for the city!" I grunted.

"For the love of God" This time, I jumped from the building. Praying that my new suit would follow. Luckily it did. J.A.R.V.I.S. immediately took over and locked on the missile.

"Romanoff, how long can you keep the portal open?" I asked. Natasha sighed not sure what to do or say.

"I don't think you have much time" she answered. I flew after the missile, grabbed it, and I flew to the portal. I was terrified. This could be my last day.


"Tony, please, don't do this" I cried as he was nearing the portal.

"Sweetheart, I have no other choice," he said before he flew into the portal. I looked at Steve, with tears in my eyes. "I-I can't let him" I cried again. Steve shook his head.

He grabbed me as I was trying to fly up there. I could've easily overpowered him but I didn't want to hurt him. "Steve, I can't hold it much longer. Can I close it?" Natasha asked, her voice hesitant. Steve looked at me and then back up to the sky. Aliens were still floating in.

I knew what he was going to say. He looked at me and placed his finger on his ear. "Close it" Steve looked down on me. A sorry look on his face. "I will never forgive you for this" I spit. Steve's face had guilt all over it. He didn't say anything else, he just nodded.

I stepped away, pulling the headpiece, Tony made for me, from my head. The door to the Portal became smaller and smaller. "Come on" I whispered. I placed my hands on my head, pulling my hair slightly in desperation.

The portal closed and all the aliens dropped dead. I couldn't see Tony and it felt like my throat closed. Steve made his way next to me. "Where is he?" my face still full of tears. I couldn't stop it.

Everyone looked up to the sky, hoping he'd appear again. I started losing hope until Steve nudged me. "Look!" Tony was falling from the sky and he wasn't slowing down. "Someone stop him" I yelled, everyone looked up panicked. Thor started swinging his hammer. Before he could take off, Hulk jumped and caught him.

Hulk dropped Tony on the ground and I felt like I could finally breathe. Steve pulled the face of his suit and threw it aside. Tony was unconscious. Steve tried to check if he was still breathing and I panicked when he wasn't breathing.

"Out of the way," I said, pushing Steve aside. I pinched Tony's nose and gave him mouth-to-mouth.  Hoping that he'd come back to me. I kept going and going until his eyes shot open and took a deep breath.

"Oh, thank God" I whispered as he sat back up. I placed my hand on his cheek and smiled at him. "You're okay" I reassured her. I put my arms around his chest and picked him up.

"What happened?" he looked down at me, his eyes still filled with fear. Understandably so, He doesn't know he succeded. "Did we win?" he asked as he gripped me tightly. I felt relieved having him with me.

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