CHAPTER 19: ''King Ahmed of Avelora''

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"Show yourself!" I yelled. I stuck my hand out as the glove in my hand lit up. I wished I wore more of my suit than just the glove. Who knows what these people were capable of?

"We mean no harm" A big man stepped out from the shadows. I didn't drop my arm. Just in case they would pull something funny like that.

"Who the hell are you?" I spit. I looked him up and down inspecting the weapons he was carrying. Their clothing resembled something you'd see in Lord of the Rings. The man smiled and raised his hands.

"My name is King Ahmed Ameen from Avelora" My eyes widened. He looked at me with a friendly face. His body language didn't seem hostile and he looked at me with kind eyes. I decided to drop my arm and hoped that he wouldn't suddenly turn hostile. "And you are?"

"I'm Tony Stark. I live here" I said and the man nodded. I stepped aside. "Please come in" I pointed to my desk area and as I stepped aside, I noticed more soldiers than just two. The room was a mess, with glass still scattered everywhere.

"I'd offer you a drink Your Majesty but this isn't the best time" I tried to lighten the mood but I was still in pain, as my head was pounding. It felt like my brain was about to fall out of my skull.

The King had an understanding look on his face as he nodded. "No need to. We assumed that the signal was sent to call for our help" his thick Arabic accent coming through when he ended his sentence. "We didn't expect to receive said signal. This device is over 70 years old" he said as he grabbed it off the desk and and tried to put it back together.

I looked at his hands a bit flabbergasted as the beeper lit up again. There is no way this man just fixed this thing in 2 seconds. It made me feel incompetent. And I'm Tony Stark. I do not feel incompetent.

I looked around to see if they could sit down somewhere. But everything was so trashed that it was no use to come and sit down. "You know what let's take a trip" I just said. They all looked confused.

"Just trust me. I also mean no harm at all. I just want my friend back" I felt this desperate feeling in my chest again.

The man seemed to catch up on it and he looked at me understandingly. "Mr. Stark I assure you we're here to help get your friend back." he reached out and grabbed my shoulder. "It seems we're sharing an interest in saving this 'Friend', you're talking about" his fingers making bunny ears when he said, friend.

I assumed they were talking about Ransom. They were here for her. "There's something you need to see. Please come with me"

It was only 2 hours later when we finally made it through the doors of the hospital. The king and two of his soldiers pulled uncomfortably on their shirts and pants that they borrowed. If the situation weren't so serious I'd laugh.

We made our way to Vivian's room, trying to ignore the weird looks of the nurses and doctors we were getting. They were all walking behind me, their footsteps heavy on the floor. "Mr Stark" The king called out, his accent still thick. "Where are we going?" he asked.

I ignored his question and just opened the door to Vivian's room. She was still hooked up to the machines, badly battered. I felt guilty seeing her like this. "Oh dear God, Layla" The king sighed with a heavy chest as he made his way to the hospital bed she was lying on.

He placed his hand on her forehead as he squatted down next to her. I could hear him cry. I looked down with remorse. Not like it was my fault that she was lying there half-dead on the bed. "Layla?" I asked. "Is she Ransom's mother?" The king was holding Vivian's hand in his and held it against his lips as he slowly kissed it.

"No," he said. "She's her aunt" I sighed as I put my hands in my pockets. I wanted to ask more questions, but seeing him like this made my heart ache. I just decided to let it slide for now. "Who did this to her?" he asked as he placed her hand back down on the bed and stood up. He walked over to me, wiping his face.

"We suspect it's someone called Malick" I looked him in the eye as I tried to read him. It was very easy, as his face was filled with panic and terror.

"He did this?" his voice was deep, laced with anger. I nodded, apologetically.

"Ransom and I found her this morning barely holding on to life" he nodded, a sad look on his face.

"You didn't just bring me here to show her to me," he stated. I shook my head.

"This malick kidnapped my friend and her life is in danger" My voice was hoarse and tight. I was terrified. "He also has help from this man called Killian Aldrich. He's after her powers." I said. The man nodded again and the puzzle pieces slowly fell into place. "I think you're her father" He looked up and put down Vivian's hand. A sliver of hope in his eyes appeared.

"Ayla is still alive?" he asked, in disbelief. I frowned. I didn't know who Ayla was. But I assumed he was referring to Ransom. It would make sense she would be born with a different name.

"Is that her real name?" I asked as I pulled out my phone looking for a picture I took of her. Once I found one I showed it to him. His lip quivered as he breathed.

"Oh God, that's her. That's my daughter" He sighed softly as he sobbed. "We're too late," He said as he covered his mouth to block out the sobs. He fell on his chair again. 

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