16. Loss

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The group seemed to take a couple of days off, to just relax in the prison before they started doing anything drastic. Everyone knew that there were lots to do, nobody was refuting that, but it was nice to just stop for a couple of days. They had been on the road so long that they had never gotten time to do that, so they had to take advantage of it while they could. 

Sydney had left his mattress on the perch near Daryl’s, and the other man never said anything about him leaving it there, but he had made sure to check with Randall to make sure it was okay. The other had just smiled and said he would force Jimmy to move his stuff into the cell, and if Sydney ever changed his mind he would kick the teenager out again. 

Hershel was almost back up on his feet, or foot as he should say, and he seemed to be back to normal. Or well, as normal as you could be after getting your foot amputated with a hatchet and nothing to control the pain. Sydney had to give it to him, he honestly didn't think he would be able to do it. But everyone knew that even for his age, Hershel was a strong man who didn’t exactly give up easily. 

The first order of business was moving the vehicles into the yard, instead of outside the prison, making them look a little less noticeable than before. Helping out was himself, Rick, Daryl, and Jimmy. 

After it was all said in done, they had the three vehicles parked inside the yard. “We’ll park ‘em in the west entry of the yard,” Rick tells the other three men, as Jimmy steps out of Hyundai and pockets the keys. He isn’t even sure Jimmy would even have his license, but he doesn’t seem to be that bad of a driver.

“Good. Our vehicles camped out there looked like a giant “vacancy” sign.” Daryl grumbles. 

“We should probably start loading up the corpses as well, burn them. We can use the truck no problem.” Sydney points out, glancing around at the corpses that littered the area.

“Yeah, and make sure they’re dead before you start hauling them up. We’re not taking any chances.” Rick affirms, “Takes only a second for something to go wrong.” His thoughts lead to Hershel, a simple accident leading to a loss of a limb.

Jimmy groans from next to Sydney, “Why do I feel like this is gonna be a long day?” That was putting it lightly. 

“Also, where are Glenn and Maggie? I figured they would be out helping us.” He asks, having not remembered seeing them inside the prison before they came out. 

“Up in the guard tower,” Daryl says casually.

“What? Still?” Sydney glances up at the guard tower, having figured that the two would have come in for the night. 

Daryl just shrugs before he cups his hands over his mouth and shouts, “Glenn! Maggie!”

From down below, he can see some movement in the windows of the guard tower before the door pops open and Glenn steps out. He has no shirt on and he’s in the middle of buttoning his jeans, a seemingly guilty look on his face. “Uh.. hey! What’s up, guys?” He asks, trying to sound too non-suspicious. 

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