46. Conquer

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“Hello, Gabriel.” 

Watching the priest jump out of his skin upon hearing his voice was almost satisfying enough for what he had done to betray the group. Almost, being the keyword there. Sydney hadn’t waited long once he had shut the church doors behind him, settling himself into the first pew to his left. When the priest had come in, it was dark enough that the older man had walked right past him, right to the front of the church.

Gabriel turned on him, squinting through the darkness to see who had been sitting out of view. Of course, it was not the person he was expecting to see. 

“Did you really think it was a coincidence we— I— stumbled upon you and your pathetic little church?” Sydney curled his fingers around the edge of the pew, pulling himself into a standing position. He stepped into the aisle of the entranceway to the church. “No, no, quite the opposite actually,” He brushed a finger along the top of the pew, flicking off some of the dust. 

“What do you want?” Gabriel questioned. 

Sydney hummed. He moved a little closer to the other, and even through the dim lighting and his one good eye, he could see the uncertainty and nervousness settling into the priest’s eyes. “What do I want?” He parroted the question, his footsteps soft against the dark red rug below his shoes.

When he got closer to the man, Gabriel took a step back, and then another, and another, until he almost tripped over the small set of stairs, his hand reaching back to grasp himself against the pulpit to not fall. 

“I want you, Gabriel,” Sydney stopped only a foot from him, “To repent for your sins. God is not the only one watching you, Gabe , and he is not the only one who sees all.” He grabbed the front of Gabriel’s jacket, who was shaking at this point, “How long did they scream for help before they realized they were all alone out there?”

Sydney had never been more thankful for Milton. 

“Wha… you…” Gabriel stuttered out. 

Sydney smiled in response, and he let go of the man’s jacket, smoothing it back into place. “Don’t forget Gabriel,” Sydney tapped the side of his own temple, “He is always watching,” And then he turned around, and left, leaving the older man quaking in his spot. 

That was probably the most fun I’ve had since… who knows how long , Sydney couldn’t help but think. Which, he knew, was pretty twisted, because he most likely shouldn’t have fun by causing someone else suffering… but he deserved it. And he thinks Andrea was gonna get a kick out of this one. 

“What the hell?” He muttered to himself, squinting through the sunlight to the commotion that was up ahead. He could hear yelling, and it only took him a couple of more steps before he could see what was going on. “What the hell!” He exclaimed, this time much louder, as he saw the two people rolling around on the ground in the middle of the street. People from the houses around were peeking out their doors, some gathering around from a slight distance, probably hearing the commotion just as he had. 

“Merle!” Sydney yelled, “What the hell are you doing?!” It was then he noticed Jessie and Beth on the front porch of the Anderson’s house, Beth with her arms wrapped around the older woman who was uncontrollably sobbing at the sight of her husband and Merle brawling with each other in broad daylight. 

Blessing or a Curse? ➳ Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now