@Hunger-Games- Hunger Games Contest!

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I. Don't. Want. To. Die. I don't want to die. I DON'T WANT TO DIE! i don't want to die.

I'm afraid. I'm afraid of losing my love, of dying, of changing after these games. I'm afraid I won't make an imprint in the world, and die being a nobody...

My stylist tells me different. He tells me I'm known to everyone now that I'm in the games, but that's not what I mean.

I'm raising in the tube to my burial ground. As soon a my head pops out wind, and sand hits me blinding me temporally.

I look around to find Blythe. The only person who acknowledges my existeace in this vast planet. She's only a few pillers down from me. Perfect.

Ten. The clock begins to count down.


Eight. I know that I must get a weapon. I know I must save Blythe.



Five. I pray one last time just in case I don't get another chance...


Three. I don't want to die.








I'm running. Everyone is running. There's sand everywhere, and it's way too hot to have sweatpants on. Sand. I've only really heard of it before, never really saw it.

I grab the first bag I see, and pull out a knife. Good find. I pull the bag's straps around my shoulders and hold the knife away from me. I spy an axe, and run for it. I dive away from an arrow, and grap the handle of the axe.

The fimiliar feel of wood in my palm reminds me of home, gives me hope. I get out of there as fast as my legs, and the sand would let me.

I meet up with Blythe. Her pretty face glistening with sweat. But once I get closer I notice blood on her. Had she killed someone? Will she kill me? I dont want to die...

I grab her hand, and pull her with me. Together we run away from the bloodshed, from the murder, from the sin.

We run away from the murderous tributes, from the biohazard objects, from the capitil, even though I know deep down we won't escape any of those things.

Eventuality Blythe and I take a rest. She needs medical attention. She searches through her bag finding nothing, and I too come up empty handed. She, as far as I can tell, doesn't have a weapon, so we're going to survive off of an axe...

I don't want to die. I. Don't. Want. To. Die. i don't want to die.

God, please forgive us all for we have sinned...

I leave Blythe behind to hopefully find something to heal her wound.

There's not much here, just a lot of sand and green goop and what not.

I look down at the ground. Sand. I never thought the world held this much sand. The brown minerals give way under my feet leaving my footprint to be easily followed by predators.

I don't want to die.

I don't want Blythe to die. I don't want to be here. I don't want to kill anyone. I don't want to hurt anymore.
I will die though.

I will go home to my district lifeless as Blythe comes home victor. I will most likely kill others. And until I do die, I will feel this never ending pain that only Blythe can patch.

But I don't want to die...

I clear my mind.

After a while of no luck, I turn to go back to our little camp. Blythe and I need to figure out a way to get a parachute. That's the only way to get her medicine.

Then I hear it. A cannon... Someone died. Blythe. Blythe!

I take off in a sprint to make sure she's okay. I follow my footprints back, but only a few feet from where I was my print are gone. The sand perfectly level as if I was never there...
All around me there's untouched sand. I take off in the direction I feel is correct, watching for murderous tributes. I  surprisingly don't see any, and after what feels like hours I find an area that looks familiar.

Soon I'm back at camp.

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