Caesar Augustus

12 0 0

I raise out of the ground. I smirk at all the tributes. This is going to be too easy. Being from district one I have a pretty good, wait no, I am going to win these games. My brother did, and so did my mom. Now it's my turn.

My blond hair flies around my head making it more messed up than usual. I stair out at the barren waste land surrounding us. Great, the head is going to make me look all red, and gross!

There's a hill with an opening in it, and what looks like tunnels. There's a lake too. I notice Alex Stone, district 4's male mouth guard to me, and the rest of the careers.

The countdown is at ten. I watch the other tributes.

Nine. I see a boy from one of the lower districts give me a wild grin. I bet he's insane.

Eight. I get ready to run.

Seven. I realize I don't know what it'll be like running on sand, an  it throws me off for a second.

Three. I crouch into a faster position

Two. I see people ready themselves.


I run as fast as I can. The sand slows me, but not by much, which is good. I arrive close to the first, and start grabbing weapons. One of them is a mace, and another one is a dagger. I grab two backpacks, and some rope. Then I run away from the cornucopia with the other careers.

I notice that district three isn't with us, and that the district four girl is running with some other people. Fine, die first you guys  it isn't going to hurt me.

Then all of a sudden a loud notice is heard from behind us. All of us careers turn, and look. The cornucopia blew up. I wonder who that was? I want them on my side, or dead.

I hear Alex tell us to pick up wood that's landing around us from the flaming cornucopia. We do it, and head toward the cave.

When we reach it, we split up, and agree our signal is a bird call we all know. Half of us go down one tunnel, and the others down another one.

Finally after checking the tunnels for any tributes, we hear the bird call. So everyone turns around, and heads back. Once were all back at the entrance we pile our supplies into a giant heap. It's so if anyone betrays us, they won't have anything to live on.

We just sit, and analyze the other tributes. We won't kill anyone until tomorrow, well that's what we agreed on anyways.

The sky changed colors faster than I thought they would, and night was soon upon us. I think is was a trick the game makers did to throw us off.

We start to lie down, and sleep. I lay there until my eyes can't stay opened anymore. I know no one is going to kill me. I don't even stay awake long enough to hear the cannons.


I awake to a noise. It's dark in the cave, and I can't see who's moving. Then suddenly someone is standing over me. They bend down real quick, before I can even react, and has a knife to my throat. Wait not a knife, it's my dagger.

Then my killer grabs the rope I collected and shoved it into my mouth, and ties it. Now I'm awake, but I realize my arms are already tied. How did he do that?

“You know, I wouldn't have to kill you, yet, but your ego is too big. You see, if I let you live any longer than I already have its one more chance you get to kill me." My almost killer swallows.

“Were not to much different you and I. So I must rid the games of you because it's only big enough for one winner, and that me." And with that he slams the dagger into my throat.

I try to cough, but the rope in my mouth stops me. I'm going to drown in my own blood! I try to kick my killer, but he steps away. I fight to separate my arms, so I can cover my throat. I can't.

Then I watch as the shadow above me lights a match, and shows me his face, “May the odds be ever in my favor."

The match dies, and he disappears, and leaves me to die slowly, and quietly.

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