Olivia Jones

13 0 0


I'm standing there on the pedestal. Surrounding me is a desert, and its already making me sweat. I notice that the cornucopia is wooden this year, and that there seems to be a hill with tunnels in it. Also perhaps a lake, but it might be a mirage.

My eyes wander over all of my competitors. I see my district partner Lyle. I like that name. I see that he's staring at something, or maybe even someone.

The countdown is at 15 now. I told myself that I won't cry, not in the games, I won't. I'm younger than most of the contestants at the age of 12, but what they don't know is that I'm more than just a 12 year old girl. I fight better than half of these people, I'm smarter that a good handful of these idijits, and I'm a pretty good actor. Those skills will come in handy for sure.



I get into a running position. I notice some looks from others nearby. They think they're going to kill me first. Well see about that.


I run. I run as fast as my little legs can go right toward the cornucopia, leaving the losers that thought about killing a little girl, behind.

I grab a knife set, a backpack, a sheet, and a full water bottle. I don't stop to look at anyone, I just keep going. I'll meet up with Lyle later. Right now I just need to become safe, well as safe as I can.

I run toward the hill with the tunnels. I'm ahead of everyone,and once I reach them, I go and climb up a all rock pushed up against the wall. There's a small little indent up there where I can fit with some extra room.

Once I'm settled, I take a drink of my water, and open the backpack up. In it there's rope, sun screen, some dried meats,and a hat. Well I could of gotten a better pack...

Being little miss smart, I took the rope out, and started to knot it. It was good material, but light weight. I make it into a type of knot that will slip, and tighten once you step into it. Then I set it up like a pully right at the foot of the cave. Whoever is the next person in the entry way, is a goner, well accept allies, and Lyle.

So I sit in my nook, and wait. I apply some sunscreen, and place the hat on my head. I probably look like some tourists. I smile at that.


What was that?! I don't wait to find out. I scamper down from my hideing spot, grab my rope, and run out of the cave at full speed, and almost hitting some other tributes. I don't wait to see if they'll try to kill me, I run toward the lake.



I'm crouched down between some big rocks by the lake. They hide me quite well considering my youthfulness. I watch as the sky changed into night.

What am I going to do? I fiddle with some sand. Then I hear footsteps behind me. I grab my knife, and spin around completely, standing up in the process.

The person behind me is much bigger, and hold both my arms, so I don't kill him. I was so close. Adrenaline is pounding through me, and I'm scared. I don't let myself cry.

"Olivia it's me, Lyle. Hey, it's me. I'm not going to hurt you Olivia." That's when my eyes focus in on the person in front of me. I drop my knife, ans he lets go.

Lyle is looking me straight in the eyes. I can't see him killing a little girl. I stay quiet for a second, and think. I have a much better survival rate with this guy, than being alone...

"Okay look Olivia, do you trust me?" I look back at him, meeting his eyes contact. I look down. Do I trust him?

"I trust you, but what happens if--when we end up in a tough situation, where only one of us can make it out?" I can see that he's thinking.

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