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The pedestal rises, and blinding light cascades around me, and the other tributes. I hate that I'll be dead before the contest is over. I'm not smart, nor observant. I'm only good with swords.

I haven't made an ally yet. My district partner doesn't want me as one, and nobody wants an ally that's going to hold them back.

I stare out at the surroundings to take my mind off of the fact I'll be dead before I'm sixteen. There's a cave with tunnels, a larger lake, and a whole lot of desert. Fun.

I let my eyes wander over the other tributes. One gives me a crazy grin, and others are trying not to look at me, nor anyone else for that matter.

The countdown is at ten. I see the more skillful tributes prepare themselves to run, so I do the same.







Three. My heart is racing.


ONE! I take off as fast as I can, which isn't very fast.

I arrived later than most at the cornucopia, and I grab a backpack and some knives. I don't see a sword, which really hurts me. I shoulda looked for one on the pedestal!

I turn my back toward the cornucopia, and run again. I head for the plain open desert, hoping to see a utopia of sorts eventually.

Then all of a sudden an arrow flies by my face, only mililiters away to being lodged into me. I turn to see who it was. That was my first mistake.

I see a tribute with a bow, and an arrow ready to fire. I plead with my eyes not to do it, and she hesitates. I really wish I learned the other tributes names!

I grab a knife from my collection, and throw it at her. I'm not use to them, so my aim is way off. It lodges into her shoe. Defiantly not a kill shot. Now that's my second mistake.

She looks down at her foot, and it gives me enough time to start running again, but she's faster. She lets the arrow go, and I turn just in time to see it before it landed in my left side.

I fall to my knees, and I know I have wide eyes. I grab at the arrow from the front, then the back. It's all the way through me.

I look up at the girl tribute. She looks saddened for a second, and then it was gone. She turns away from me, and runs toward a group of people. It must be her allies. It would have been nice to have at least one ally.

My heart rate is up, and I drop my pack to the ground. I don't feel anything. No pain what so ever. Then I fall to my side.

I watch as tributes fight, and run away. I watch as the cornucopia blew up, and the wood from it flies down around me. I watch the blood pool around me. I cough, and blood comes out.

My eyes start to close ever so slightly. I stare up at the middle of the arena, where I'm for sure a camera is taping us. I glare at it, and hope my family is watching.

I put my hand on the ground, and slowly get back to my knees. I look at all the blood around me. Why am I not dead yet? Then I get to a standing position.

I teter back and forth before I'm still. The arrow is still sticking out from between two of my rib bones. I look at the camera, and smile.

Then I finally take my last breath, and crumple to the ground. My blood spills everywhere. Then the cannon goes off.

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