The Reaping

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I awake to nothing as usual. I'm entered into the reaping 53 times, and in only 12. Most people here in district 3 have families. I don't.

I awoke one day and my parents were gone. I was an only child. I fended for myself, and got a job. Not many careers kids have jobs.

Instead of training like everyone else I worked. So when this games came I decided to enter my name into the reaping 53 times for the food rations. If I get the food then I can quit my job and start to train with the rest of the kids my age. But if I don't, that means I'm in this year's hunger games.

I pace back and forward in my little shack of a house. I somewhat washed my hair last night, so now it's shining down by back. My boss had a daughter my age once, and he gave me one of her reaping dresses.

Not many people know about the poor in the career districts. They think everyone has power, and has trained their whole lives for these games.

So I've been thinking. If I get picked or volunteer for the games then I can bring awareness to the poor in districts 1, 2, 3, and 4. Also I'm tired of working so much at this age.

My stupid parents shouldn't have left me. If I win the games I'll become rich, and I can help the poor. But there's slim to little chance of me winning. Or I could hide the whole games, and let everyone kill each other.

The capitol people will be here soon, so I wonder my way to the square in the middle of my district. I watch as families show up with this strong, trained kids. Even if I get picked, someone will volunteer. So that's when I make my decision.

More people show up until the square is packed full. Peace keepers surrounds the square with their guns loaded. Everyone is nervous about not being able to go.

Then the weird capitol lady comes clip-clapping onto stage. Her heels are way to big even for the capitol fashion, and her dyed hair looks limp, but I guess if she likes it. Her outfit is way to colorful, and tight.

“Good Morning District 3!" She shrieks. “Now everyone knows how this works. I'm going to play you the video President Snow made to keep everyone under control!" My ears hurt, and I'm toward the back of the crowd. “Okay let's begin!" Then the clip starts to play.

When it's done she claps like it was the best thing she's ever seen.

“Okay now let's move on, shall we?" Her voice probably made the pampered dogs of district 3 deaf. She walked over to the girl's glass bowl. Please don't pick me, please don't pick me.

“As usual, girls first!" She reaches into the bowl, and pulls out a slip of white, parchment paper.

“Dianna Que..."

“I volunteer!" I yell as loud as I can. Everyone turns toward me, and stairs. I move out of the crowd and toward the stage in front of me as terrifying as I can get. Which isn't much, may I add.

I can feel everyone's eyes on me, and the glares of the girls that didn't get to volunteer this year. I see the papered lady's eyes go big when she sees who volunteered. I hear her whisper, “Oh my..."

I stand in front of my whole district with my chin up, looking at everyone I possibly can in the eyes. I don't want to look scared.

“What's your name, dear?" She asks in a soft voice.

“Olivia Jones!" I say it with pride, even though I hate my name. It matches me with my parents. Those losers.

I try to imagine what my parents would of thought of me right  now. The girl that volunteered at the age of 12.  I smile. Then I hear heels clicking against the stage's floor over to the boys bowl.

“Kyle Deear!" She's regained her voice, darn.

“I volunteer!" A male's voice comes out before the others. I turn to watch as a boy, perhaps 18, coming toward the stage. He's the typical career: muscles, handsome, and maybe even smart.

“What your name!?" 

“Lyle Jackson" He smirks. All the girls seemed to just fall for him. I roll my eyes.

“Well congratulations you two, your this year's District 3's tributes!" She screams out. Then I prepare myself for the haunting next words, “May the odds be ever in your favor!" It seemed like she said it in slow motion, even though I know she didn't.

Next we were lead into the city hall, and into separate rooms. I don't know who's coming to see me. I don't have any friends, or family. Maybe my boss and his family will.

I sit and wait. There's only five minutes to visiting time, and already three minutes passed. I close my eyes and fight the tears ready to spill down my face. I hear the door open. Is it already time to go?

I open my eyes to see a boy maybe 13 in my room. I stare shocked that someone came to see me.

“Hi, um, well let's see, my sister is the one you volunteered for, and well she's sick, so thanks. She wouldn't have made it very far." Then he came he came over to me, and kissed me on the cheek. I blush, and he blushes.

Then he turns and leaves the room, but before he's fully out the door he drops something. When the door closes I run over and pick it up. It's a little... a little ring. It's made out of gold or some kind of heavy metal. There's a jewel in it too. I try to open the door to say thanks, but it's locked. I put it on my left hand's middle finger.

Then the door opens, and a peace keeper is leading me out the door, and toward the capitol train. I look for the boy again, but I don't see him. I'll probably never will, ever again.

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