The Reaping

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I awake, and stretch. Today feels like a good day. The birds are out, and the sun will be shining bright today.

I get out of bed, and pull on some jeans, and a plaid shirt. I braid my hair into a fishtail, and wash my face. Then I run down the stairs of my log cabin home.

My mother is sitting at the kitchen table crying, and my dad isn't anywhere to be seen. That's weird, he's always drinking coffee by now.

I go over to the counter where my oatmeal is getting cold. I notice that my four siblings have already ate theirs. I grab a spoonful of brown sugar, and that's when it hits me. Right in the stomach, making me gag. Today is reaping day.

Tears build in my eyes. How did I forget? Then the tears start flowing down my face like rivers. How did I forget?!? I let the spoon drop to the floor. This could be the end for me today, well the beginning of it anyways.

I'm entered in this stupid waste of time called the hunger games 67 time. 67! I have a pretty good chance of being pick this year. Also my younger siblings are entered 13 times each. It sickens me.

I turn, and leave the house. The capitol people will be here around noon, so I can still go to work. I pull my combat boots on, and wipe away my tears, and step out of the house.

I'm a lumberjack for my dad's company. It tough work, but it's made me strong, and helped my mental health.

The day past quickly, and soon enough everyone under the age of 18 went home for the day. I ram back to my house, and up to my mom.

“I love you mom!" I cried into her shoulder.

“I love you too baby." She tells me soothingly. Then she adds, “You'll volunteer for your siblings right?" I don't even take a second to think.

“Of course mama, you know that." Then she lets me go. I told my father good bye this morning just in case I don't see him again.

“I'm just making sure. Now go clean up, and take your brothers and sister to the square." I listen to my mother.

Soon enough my family awaits for the reaping to begin. I see a fat, small guy waddle his way onto the stage. He fixed his wig one last time, and introduced himself.

“Hello everyone!" He shouts at the crowd that make up district 7. “I'm Daniel!" He speaks in a too high of a pitch. It's probably marking dogs cry all over the place. Poor animals.

Then I noticed I spaced out, and I missed something. Oh wait he just started to play the video we're made to watch every year. Then it finishes.

“Now onto the reaping!" I think his voice just got higher. His little high heeled boots click and clack across the wooden stage. He sounds like a horse.

“First is the girls!" He fat little hand covered in rings, reaches into the bowl that contains someone's death sentence, well most likely anyways, and grabs a slip of paper.

“Jasmine Brown!" He says it like it's a good thin she was picked. I see the girl step out of the crowd, and into the walk way up to the stage. She throws up. I can't take it. She's seems to be the same age as my little sister.

“I volunteer!" I yell out across the deadly quiet square.

I hear my mother whisper, “Rita no." She tries to grab my arm, but I step out into the walk way first. “No! Not my baby!" she screams. I walk up to the stage with a straight face on. I don't feel anything.

“Oh! A volunteer!" The fat man coos. “Very interesting indeed!"

“Watch your mouth." I warn him loudly enough so the crowd can hear. I want everyone to know that I hate this. And boy you should of seen his face! I laugh as I picture it.

“Um..." He stutters. “Okay onto the boys then." I stand on the stage not looking at anyone. I'm just praying, and putting my faith in God to not let me die. I glance over at the little man that I now hate more.

He reaches into the glass bowl and pulls out another slip of paper.

“Johnny Miles!" He regained his squeaky voice. Wait what?!? I watch as my youngest brother, who is twelve, step toward the stage.

“You didn't just say my brothers name." I growl at the man. A look of terror crosses over his face, and two peace keepers come onto the stage. I look out across the crowd where the boys are standing. I'm hoping, no praying for somebody to volunteer.

I can hear my mother's screams, and crys. She's losing two of her babies today.

“I volunteer." I looks around for who said it. Whoever it was, didn't seem to thrilled to do it. Them he says it louder.

“I volunteer!" My brothers faced changes, and runs back to my mother. The boy steps out of the crowd of boys. He's older, perhaps even eighteen like me.

He walks to the stage, and booms out,

“I am Jack Stevens!" The crowd cheers, the first thing they've done all day it seems like. Then Jack turns toward me.

“What's your name?" He has a heavy accent.

“Um, Rita Miles." I say not quite as loud as he did. Then the fat little man steps in and says,

“Well Jack and Rita, may the odds be ever in your favor." I shiver even though it's not cold. All of a sudden peace keepers surrounds Jack and me, and pulls us toward the awaiting train.

“Wait!" I yell, “We get to say goodbye first!" I see my dad run up to me, and hands me a little pouch.

“You're farewell gift. I've been saving it just encase one of you kids get picked, or volunteers. You'll know what to do with it later. Oh and..." My father gets cut off by a peace keeper hitting him in the face. So good at being “peace keepers" huh?

Then Jack, and I were shoved into the luxury train, the little fat man right behind us. Our couple of victors were already seated inside. The train leaves the station before I got to say goodbye for the last time.

Right then I decide that's it's not the last time, and I will win this games. 

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