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Jimmy smiled as he and young Tess Montgomery made their way down the fence line of her fathers field in the North Dakota territory.

He ran the biggest wine brewery this far out Dakota had ever had. well between him and his neighbor Arnold Mc 'Call.

Tess was lucky to have him for a father, although she really wasn't that close to him. she was intended to marry Arnolds son Jack. sure he had money and a nice house' n 'all

but the man was a total coward. He has his country club friends beat Jimmy up just for riding with Tess. Arnold didn't want Tess riding, so Jimmy took the hits from Jacks friends to keep that secret. He knew if he really needed to how to protect himself, but they never did much harm anyhow. most often a quick unnoticeable punch to the gut from the lot of them and it was over.

Jack had an older brother who occasionally took to ruffing up his brother when the mood struck him. that was one of the reasons Jack hated him so.

Richard, Tess ' father was pushing at having the girl marry as soon as she was eighteen. and at the ripe young impressionable age of fourteen she was a thing to behold. Fisty as a colts mother with a temper to match, She didn't let anyone push her around. Not that anyone would want to with Jimmy always near.

But all that was going to change now that Jack had gotten into Arnold's head and convinced him to 'remove Jimmy from Tess ' perimeter.' he had filled her fathers head with lies about him and Jimmy had been told to pack his things. He didn't have much, just the clothes on his back and his Navy Revolver he had been given from a dear friend, only one other like it that belonged in his foster brothers gun pouch.

He clicked his tongue to encourage his palomino into a walk and glanced over at Tess. she was silently watching him with sparkly green eyes.

" Cant you stay a little while longer J.B.?" she asked softly, using the pet name she had given him.

"I wish I could, I really do. But you know how your father is when he makes up his mind. He's almost as stubborn as you." He replied, getting a small smile to form on her lips.


"Shh, there's no point arguing the subject. Now come on, lets get you back before he comes looking for you.'' Or worse, he thought, He sends Jack.

After handing off Tess ' horse to a groom and tying off his own he turned to her and pasted a false smile on his face. A lock of pretty chestnut hair fell loose from the ribbon she held it in and he reached a large hand over to brush it aside. As he did, a small tear fell from her eye and he pulled her close to him for comfort.

He hadn't been there long, but Tess was just the king of girl to make you want to hang up the gun, and he knew this was most likely the last time he would see her.

She wrapped her warm arms around him in a loving embrace and kissed his cheek heart fully.

''Don't you go die on me somewhere out there in the big world Jimmy, or I swear ill kill you!'' She cried. ''God I love you!''

He gave her one last squeeze before releasing her and mounting his horse.

With her whispered words of love ringing softly in his ears, he turned and rode off into the fast approaching night.

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