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Tess pulled the rope and released a splash of cool water onto her skin.

The spray if water was welcome against the hot sun. Lou stood by holding a change of clothes she had git from the bunkhouse.

"So...whats going on between you and Jimmy?" She asked.

"Um..we used to know each other when we were younger. He was like a big brother to me at the time." Tess replied warily.

"What about now? Don't you two still get along?"

"Not so much I'm afraid."

She turned around towards Tess.
"Why not?"

"It's... Complicated. He's not the boy I once knew."

"No. He's no boy. He's a man with a man's heart that can be broken easily. He's gone through so much loss already. Id hate to see him in more pain because of a silly feud."

Tess opened the wood gate and took the clothes from Lou.
She began putting them on when they heard footsteps approaching.

"Stop them!" Tess squealed.

Lou ran around the side of the barn and Tess heard her talking loudly to someone.

She hurriedly pulled her legs through the pants Lou was letting her borrow.
She lifted her under garment above her head and pulled it over her.

Next came the shirt. A button got stuck in her hair as she pulled it on.

The voices were getting closer and the shirt was still stuck on her.

Releasing the shirt she grabbed at the button, trying to pull it free. She could hear Lou trying to stall the intruder.

"Jimmy, you don't want to go over there!" She yelled.

"I've got to speak to her." He pushed past Lou and rounded the corner.

Tess heard his boots and spun around as fast as she could.

He stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of her.

She heard him grunt before he walked off. Lou stood to the side beet red.

"You could of just told me where she was!" She heard him grumble.

"Oh dear Lord." Tess sighed.

Lou came around her and helped her get her hair out of the button. Noticing the purple and blue bruises that lined her neck and shoulders.

She held her tongue and said instead,
"He didn't see anything. Really."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. You had your chemise on. He only saw that."

"Oh well then!" Tess exclaimed. "That's so much better!"

"I'm sorry Tess. I tried to stop him." She paused, shocked at the outburst.
"Come on lets get you some dinner." She led Tess to the house with her arm looped through hers.

                        *  *  *
Tess and Lou climbed the short steps up to the house door. Pushing it aside they walked in and everyone fell quiet.

Tess looked around the table at all the faces whose eyes bore down on her.

"Ahem." Lou cleared her throat and brought Tess over to the wash bucket.

She cleaned her hands and turned to Lou for guidance. Wrapping her arms around the too large shirt she wore.

Lou gently grabbed her arm and took her to a spot at the big wood table.
She sat her down on a long bench and squished in beside her.

The Young Riders: HICKOKWhere stories live. Discover now