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Jimmy was on his way back to Rock Creek when two horses came riding his way at a fast gallop. Getting closer he could see it was Ike and Buck.

"Whats going on?" He asked.

Wiping the sweat off his forehead Buck replied; "shes gone. Tess is gone. Took off after you left."

"What are you talking about? When-"

Ike motioned in sign that that wasnt even the worst part.

"What could be worse than that?" Jimmy asked.

"She rode off on Defiance. And it gets worse, after you left a band of men came riding into town looking for a woman that supposedly robbed them. The description they gave seemed an awful lot like Tessa, aside from all the cuts and bruises." Buck sighed.

"Okay, so what has anyone done? Has Teaspoon sent anyone out looking for her?" Jimmy became more worried every second they stood talking, but he learned it was better to remain calm and get your mind straight before jumping to conclusions.

"He's got the Kid and Lou out searching the town. He sent us to find you and see what else you could tell us about her. What types places she likes to hang low at."

"I dont see how that could help now, she lived in North Dakota before she ended up here with us." Jimmy paused, thinking back to a business trip Tess and her father had gone on.
Jimmy went along to tend to the horses they rode. That trip was to a town a little ways away from where they were now.

The trip turned out successful and they kept coming back to that town, jimmy and Tess had a special place up in the hills all to themselves, they visited it every time her father made the announcement they were headed that way.

"I know where she might be, we need to hurry. Doc said Those stitches would need gentle walking or bed rest. Not galloping across the plains on a barely tamed stallion."

They turned their horses and followed Jimmy's mount as they made their way to where Tess, hopefully, would be.

* * *

Tess rode Defiance towards the old creaky shack she and Jimmy used to hide out in. Thinking of it now had her lips turning up in a sad smile. she had made the decision to leave before Jimmy came back and changed her mind. He wouldn't even have to say anything, just give her a glance and all her worries and fears would fade away.

But that cant happen, she wont let it; not with the kind of men after her now. she thought she knew them, oh how she was wrong. She cursed herself for being such a fool, why did she think everything would be okay after Jimmy left? god, she was so naïve.

coming to a halt at the doors to the old hunting shack she dismounted, leading the horse round back and tying him off to a nearby tree. Checking around her she quickly slipped through the door and breathed a sigh of relief. she was safe, finally she could breathe.

The creaking of a floorboard had her whirling around. just the wind, she thought. You'll be alright, no ones here, okay? its just the wind. just. the. wind.

She checked the pantry for any canned goods or something she could eat. All she found was a bottle of old whiskey. Great, at least I wont die alone, all I have to do is drink myself silly and ill be seeing double. She scoffed.

Maybe I should just go back, at least I can hide for awhile longer with someone I love where Jack and his goons may find me, instead of where they most certainly will find me. I should've never told him about this place, at least he doesn't know the location. but he could guess, its a small town, oh gosh, he's gonna find me! She was panicking, hyperventilating. She had to stop, to calm down. Panicking wasn't going to help her here. Closing her eyes she let her mind lead her to memories of her and Hickok together in this place she came to love.

This was where she had her first kiss, their first kiss. She could still remember it, plain as the sun rose in the sky. it was perfect, magical, everything she wanted and didn't know she needed all in one. A beautiful memory scorched in her mind like the branding of a calf. it was all she could hold on to, all she had left as hope, hope for a better future where Jack McCall wasn't anywhere near.

Once she calmed her breathing she sat down on the dusty cot and folded her legs to her chest, wrapping her arms around her in comfort. She knew if she was caught it would all be over, and then all this was for nothing. The mad escape from the place she had called home, her attempts to mend the friendship she had had with Jimmy, the note she left under his pillow tied with the ribbon from her hair. Everything would end.

With that thought, she crossed the room and crouched down beside the empty fireplace, looking around she found no logs or kindling. why would there be, its been abandoned for nearly ten years. That just means ill have to go outside and get some wood myself.

Taking a breath she walked to the door, steadying her shaking hands and pushing it open she came face to face with none other than Jack McCall.

The Young Riders: HICKOKWhere stories live. Discover now