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Tess woke to the sun coming through the window and the sounds of birds outside.
Everything felt peaceful and right for once.
That is, until she heard the shouts and splitting of broken wood.

Bolting out of bed she pulled her borrowed clothes on and ran out the door.

Jumping off the porch she followed the sounds to the back corral, ignoring her side as it screamed in protest to the movement.

"Yeah, get em Jimmy." She heard Lou yell.

"Whats going on?" Tess asked.

"Oh, good mornin' Tess. Jimmy's trying to break that stallion over there. We've all tried, and none of us are crazy enough to do it again. Until now. Jimmy's been at it all mornin."

She snorted. "What, that horse? He's as gentle as a baby."

"What are you talking about? He's injured every rider we've put on him." Cody said. "I've got the marks to show." He groaned and rubbed his rear, causing a giggle to come from Lou.

Tess looked over to the black horse and Jimmy trying to hold on.

The animal bucked out and sent jimmy over his head, landing on his feet and rolling out of the way of its angry kicks.

He stomped over to the fence and jumped over it in one smooth motion. He glanced at Tess with a scowl and made his over to a bucket with water.

"He sure showed you." Cody laughed.

"Yeah, id like to see you try and hang on that long." Kid said. "Jimmy set a new record."

While they all argued about who held on the longest, Tess went over to the fence and held out her hand for the horse to sniff.
It nickered softly and pushed its nose into her palm.

"That's a good boy." She whispered.

She came around to the fence and let herself in. Slowly approaching the horse with her gaze cast downward.
She reached the horse and stroked her hand down its side. Watching its muscles ripple at the contact.

Placing her hand gently on its head she rubbed its nose softly and stared into its dark brown eyes. Eyes that reminded her of someone else.

"Jimmy!" Someone yelled. "Get her out of there!"

"Tess! Get out! Get out!" She looked over to the others and saw Jimmy leap the fence and come running towards her.

He tackled her to the ground and rolled them under the fence just as an angry neigh and the sound of stomping hooves erupted in her ears.

He sat above her and glared down on her.

"What the HELL were you thinking!? That horse could've killed you!" He shook her by the shoulders and stared down on her with barely controlled rage and...concern?
"You stay away from that horse, or so help me I'll-"

"You'll what? Ignore me and scowl, a-and pretend I'm not here?" She pushed him off and stood herself up.

Leaning on her good side she shot daggers at him.

"I'm sorry Tess. You don't understand." He sighed.

"Understand what? How you could be my best friend, ally, and companion once and now..." Her voice broke as she trailed off. "Your so...cold."

"I don't mean to be cold, its just how it turned out. I left and I didn't know when I would see you again. I didn't know if..."

"If what Jimmy?" She whispered.

"If you married Jack or not." He confessed.

"I dont want to talk about that right now. Please let's just not." She said when he tried to protest.

The Young Riders: HICKOKWhere stories live. Discover now