9 0 0

The bullet flew through the air like an eagle towards prey aimed right at Tess and Jimmy.

In a split second it would reach them, and then it all would be over. They had come so far, gone through so much together, it couldn't end like this.

With the raging piece of metal nearing them, Jimmy spun around, moving to block Tess. Just as he did, he felt a searing hot pain tear through his side, just below his rib cage.

Tess looked up at him, still clinging to his arms, her sparkling green eyes filled with pain.

She lifted her hand, it was covered in blood.

His blood. Hers.

Time seemed to stand still as he looked down between them. The bullet went through him and into her.

He had failed. Failed to protect her from himself.

His vision started to blur. His head spin.

Everyone around him dies. That's why He left, to protect her.

His mother, dead. His sister, dead. All because of him.

Glancing back up, his head spinning, he gave way to the darkness creeping in.

Tess' hurt filled eyes the last thing he saw.
*  *  *

Tess paced the floor and waited impatiently for the doctor to come out, her thoughts only on the man she loved lying motionless on the bed.

"Tess," Lou rested her hand on tess' shoulder to still her. "He's goin' to be alright ya hear? I lose count of the times Jimmy has been in some sort of trouble. He always comes through."

"Lou's right, he just needs a little time and prayer." Kid added.

Cody snorted, "That's not all he needs,  he could do with a good kick in the-"

He was interrupted by the doctor and Teaspoon.

"Teaspoon? How is he?" Lou asked.

"Well, doc says McCall got him good, but he'll pull through."

Tess let out the breath she had been holding. "Can I see him?"

"Of course. He might not be able to hear you yet though." The doc said.

Tess didn't care if he could or couldn't, she was going to tell him what she should've a long time ago. What she wanted from the start. She loved him, with all her heart and soul she loved him. And she wasn't afraid to say it anymore.

Pushing the door open slightly she peeked inside, and shivered at the sight of him.

His hair was disheveled and matted across his brow and his forehead was covered in sweat. But what she noticed most was the shallow rise and fall of his chest and the pained look on his face.

She closed the door behind her and took a deep breath. Turning, she crossed the room and sat down by his side.

"Jimmy I-" Her voice broke, sighing she took hold of his hand. "I don't know how I'm going to make this up to you. You saved my life, that bullet was meant for me, and you took it to see me live. And I am so very lucky to have you as a friend. When you left my father's vineyard I broke inside, I know I told you I loved you then, but I didn't realize just how much until you were gone. I begged my father to bring you back, I pleaded with him not to listen to Jack, but he just wouldn't listen to reason." She ran her hand along his cheek. "After awhile of my constant begging he agreed, but there was a catch, in order to have you back home I had to marry Jack. And for the life of me I don't know why but I agreed. I just wanted to see you again.

I can't tell you how sorry I am for getting you hurt like this. Truly." She sobbed. "It pains me to see you this way, that's why, I'm going to leave. It's the only way I can protect you from Jack, or my Father. So I'm just going to say before I go, just how much I really love you. You are my world James Hickok. You always will be." She planted a long kiss across his cold forehead, breathing in his scent one last time before exciting the room.

Teaspoon and the others looked intently at her, noticing her tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes.

"It has been a true pleasure getting to know all of you. But I think it's time I catch my leave. I've caused Jimmy enough pain already, and I don't intend to cause him any more."

"Tess, are you sure about this? Maybe you should let your wound heal a bit before trying to ride." Lou said worriedly.

"Yeah, and you can't just leave us. Not whens we was just getting to know ya." Cody piped in.

Ike made motions with his hands toward her.

"Ike says your too good with the animals to leave him high and dry." Buck translated with a chuckle.

"Boys, boys, if Tessa wants to leave, that's just choice." Teaspoon said sternly, then with a grin. "But who's to stop ya from trying eh?"

"Thank you for caring about me, but I don't think Jimmy needs me in his life anymore. I've caused him nothing but pain." Tess sighed. "I'll just go collect my things and then be on my way."

"And which way would that be?" A hoarse familiar voice said.

Tess didn't dare turn around for fear it was all in her head.

Then she heard Lou cry. "Jimmy!"

She spun so fast she nearly toppled Cody over in her attempts to reach the man who stole her heart.

"You're awake!"

Thank you all so much for sticking with this story thus far. I will definitely try to pick back up on regular publishing times. Let me know what you think in the comments.
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