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Jimmy had been riding for a few hours before him and the still unconscious girl in his arms made it back to the way station.


immediately Lou, Cody, Kid, and Teaspoon all came running out of the house. They ran over to Jimmy and Kid grabbed the reigns from him.

"What in gods name happened Hickok?" Teaspoon demanded, "And who is THAT!?"

"I don't know Teaspoon, but we gotta help her." Jimmy dismounted as the others held his horse still, still holding tight to the girl.

"Alright Hickok, come on now lets get her into the bunkhouse. Kid, You and Lou go inside and get a basin of water and a cloth. get Rachel too." Teaspoon said, following Jimmy to the bunkhouse.

"Go on now, lets lay her down." Teaspoon rolled the blankets away from the bed and handed them to Cody, who was staring open-mouthed at them.

"What are we gonna do teaspoon?" Jimmy asked.

"Well, Ike and Buck are around back. Cody, go tell them to get the doc."

Kid and Lou came running through the door with a worried Rachel at their heels. Lou set down the water she was carrying on a nearby table and stood back, holding on to Kids arm. He glanced at her for only a second and then led her out of there.

"Teaspoon, I'll need to check her wounds. see how badly she's hurt. Would you and Jimmy please step out?" Rachel asked on a shaky breath.

"Sure thing Rachel. Come on Jimmy." Teaspoon grabbed at one of his arms but he shrugged it off.

" I brought her in, I'm not leaving her." he growled.


"Teaspoon, its alright." Rachel cut him off. "She might feel safer with Jimmy here. Since she's semi conscious she might remember Jimmy."

Teaspoon only nodded, and went to wait with the others.

"There's a lot of blood here Jimmy. I don't know what all I can do." Rachel gently lifted at the woman's riding shirt and gasped at what she saw.

"Oh dear god," she breathed. "Jimmy, she's been stabbed!"

The Young Riders: HICKOKWhere stories live. Discover now