And They Live Happily Ever... Oh...

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The scene opens with Piccolo and Goku flying through the air to track down Raditz and save Gohan.

"How come Goku doesn't know how to fly?" Tails questioned.

"He won't learn until the next episode." Andy answered.

Goku: Hey Piccolo. Mind if I ask you somethin'?

Piccolo: What is it?

"Is now really the time to be asking questions?" Knuckles asked, annoyed. "Don't they have a kid to save?"

"Well, given they are usually enemies before this point, I'm assuming it's a rare time for them to talk and get to know each other." Rebel guessed.

"They used to be enemies at one point?" Knux asked.

Andy nodded. "Yep."

Scourge scoffed. "It's a temporary alliance between them. Of course they'll still be enemies once they've finished their mission."

"I feel bad for Goku." Amy said. "He just met his, who just turned out to be his enemy. And now his son is kidnapped."

"And it won't be long before Piccolo tries to kill him too." Blaze added in agreement.

Goku: You're not human either, right?

"He has green skin and pointy ears." Shadow points out, annoyed. "What the hell do you think?"

"What's wrong with him?" Nine asked. "Why is he so idiotic?"

"It's his character." Andy replied.

"Well his character is pissing me off." Gnarly snarled.

Piccolo: Yeah...

Goku: And your dad spit you out as an egg, right?

"Wait..." Sonic's lips twitched. "Is he gonna..."

Piccolo: What about it?

Goku: Are... Are you a Yoshi?

Sonic burst out laughing, falling on the floor. "Oh my god!! I noticed the same thing!!" He continued to laugh.

Thorn glanced at the blue hedgehog. "What's up with him??"

"And what on earth is a... 'Yoshi'?" Prim asked.

"And what's so funny about it?" Sails added.

Amy giggled. "A Yoshi is a small green dinosaur with a big nose."

Dread gesture at Piccolo. "But he have no big nose."

"Nor does he look like a dinosaur." Batten pointed out.

Andy chuckled. "Trust me, I can show you a picture of Yoshi once the show is done."

Piccolo: (looking annoyed at Goku and says sarcastically)...Yes, Goku. I'm a green f**king dinosaur!

Goku: Can... Can I ride you?

(Piccolo lets out an annoyed groan)

"I feel your pain, Piccolo." Knuckles said, glaring at Sonic who continued to laugh.

[Intro plays]

We then come to Gohan crying, which was getting on Raditz' nerves.

"Poor Gohan." Amy said, concerned. She pray that Goku and Piccolo will make it in time to save him.

Raditz: Shut up. I said, shut up! SHUT UP! Damn it, why isn't screaming angrily making you cry less?!

Black Rose blinked, dumbfounded. "You kidnapped his father. Why wouldn't the child be scared of you??"

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