Nappa's Best Day Ever

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Tails read the title of the episode. "Nappa's Best Day Ever?" 

"What does that mean?" Amy asked.

"What do you think?" Knuckles sighed. "He's gonna be beating everyone up from the looks of it."

"And annoy us in the process." Shadow groused.

At Kame House, Bulma, Master Roshi, Oolong and Puar are watching a telecast of Yamcha's death.

Mr. Kent: And there you have it, folks. That man is dead. Very, very dead.

Nine rolled his eyes. "We pretty much figure that one already, Captain Obvious."

Jimmy: Mr. Kent, if you had to come up with a word for how dead he is, what would it be?

Mr. Kent: "Cadaverific!"

"What does that word mean?" 

"It refers to a dead body, Sonic." 

"Thanks, Tails."

Bulma: (breaks down crying in Master Roshi's chest) Yamcha! No! I was saving myself for him!

Silver was confused. "You complain about him cheating on you with another woman since the first episode. And already, you're missing him?"

"You have Dragon Balls." Fiona deadpans. "Just revive him back."

"They can't if Vegeta and Nappa get them first." Blaze reminded them.

Master Roshi: (...?) Bulls**t!

"I agree with the old man." Knuckles said.

[Opening Sequence]

We come to the battlefield where Krillin is struck with grief over Yamcha's death.

Krillin: Yamcha! Yamcha! Yamcha was our friend... (turns to the Sayians) and you bastards killed him! Don't worry, Yamcha, I'll avenge you!

"That's right, Krillin!" Charmy cheered. "Show them whose boss!" 

Thorn raised a brow. "What is he gonna do??"

"Whatever he's planning, let's hope enough." Prim said.

Piccolo: Oh right, you're going to avenge him? The five-year-old over here is stronger than you are!

Krillin: But I....

Piccolo: Face it, you're pretty much here as a meat shield.

"Hey! You can't say that about Krillin!" Black Rose yelled, angrily. "He'll avenge his fallen friend!" 

Krillin looks to be getting very angry.

Nappa: Ha! Look at him, Vegeta. He's like the Raditz of their group.

Sonic winced. "Yeesh. That's an insult towards both Krillin and Raditz." 

Krillin: That's it! I can't take it anymore! (HUD from Final Fantasy VII appears at the bottom of the screen, selecting "Krillin" and "Limit") I can only be pushed so far!

Sonic snickered. "A final fantasy reference. Classy."

Krillin: (Scatter Shot appears at the top of the screen) KRILLIN LIMIT BREEEEEAK!!!!

(Battle music from Final Fantasy VII plays as Krillin uses Scatter Shot to kill three Saibamen; Victory music from Final Fantasy VII plays after Krillin's rampage).

"Awesome!" Charmy cheered, flying around

"WOOHOO!" Sonia cheered, jumping up and down.

"Way to go, Krillin!" Tails cheered, smiling.

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