Chapter Four | Late Nights

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Everybody wants to rule the world.

Y/n's Pov

After Dally's fight with Shepherd

As I was walking Dallas walked up to me. "Oh hey Dal." I spoke.
"Hey doll." There was a moment of silence before he spoke up again. "Where ya heading?"a
"I don't know. Probably home, that or I'm gonna walk around for a while. To clear my mind." I said.
Dallas nodded. He then put his arm around my shoulders. "I'm coming with you,okay? Can't be walking around here by yourself ya know?"
"I guess...", I said. Then I spoke up again. "Wouldn't mean I have the famous Dallas Winston protecting me then." I said.
"Got that right doll." I then nodded my head.

After a while of walking it had gotten a bit late. I wasn't ready to go home honestly. Sure my nerves had calmed and shi. I just, I didn't really wanna go home. It's not like I don't like being at home. I love it, honestly. I just, stayed outta little too late. I know that if I go home Darry'll says something. I mean I understand WHY, but I just don't know. Ughh, i don't even know anymore.

I suppose if I wanted to I could ask Dallas if I could stay over. "Hey Dal, can I ask you a question"
"Sure, what is it?", He asked.
"Uhm, I was wondering if it's okay if I stay with you tonight. Since I really don't feel like getting yelled at or something tonight. Since ya know how Darry'll act." I said, as I mumbled on some words. I hated asking questions. I just get scared of rejection sometimes. It's whatever though I guess...

3rd pov

Dally thought for a bit. He then looked at me y/n. "Sure.", He told her. Y/n then looked at him.
"Thank you Dallas.", She said.
"My turn for a question.", Dally said.
"Why do you call me Dal one second, then Dallas, or Dally, the next.", He asked y/n.
"I don't really know actually. I guess I subconsciously do it."
He nodded. "Alright then." They started walking around again. That was until they got to Buck's.

"Ya ready?", He asked the girl as he saw there was a party going on inside.
"Not really. But it's whatever.", They said. he then went up to the door and went in. As he walked in he held y/n's hand so she wouldn't get lost. He then led her up to his bedroom. After that he shut n locked the door so no one would come in and wake them up.

Y/n the sat on the bed & yawned. "I'm sleepy...", Y/n mumbled. (Ik most of you probably stay up late but shush. It's like, 12 AM.) "Go to sleep then.", Dallas told her.

Y/n's Pov

"Go to sleep then.", I heard Dally say.
I hummed. "Alright. Do you like, uh have a. I don't know?" I said until I started thinking. I thought it might've been weird if I asked for something else to sleep in. "Uh, actually nevermind."
The last thing I saw was something thrown at me. I then pulled it away from my face.
"Is that what you wanted doll?" He asked me. "Something to sleep in, right?" I then nodded.

He turned around. That was when I decided to take my clothes n put on the shirt. After I put the shirt on I took off my bra. Then I pulled off my pants. After that I folded clothes. When I looked back at Dally I saw he had taken off his shirt. Uh 🧍 okay then.
"Um, you can turn around now.", I said. After that he turned around.
"You can put your clothes in that chair.", He said as he pointed to it.
"Okay.", I said. I put them in the chair.

After that we both crawled in the bed. After, he made sure it was okay with me. I was facing the wall half asleep and awake. That was when I suddenly felt Dally grab me by the waist n pull me towards him. His face was in my neck. He soon lifted his face up.
"It's okay if we sleep like this right?", He asked.
"Yea.." I said. After that he just held me like that. I soon went to sleep.

3rd pov

Dallas woke as someone knocked on the door. He saw that he was holding y/n. He then remembered what happened last night. Nothing bad, just cuddling. He then slowly let go of her and got up to open the door. "What do you want?", He asked as he saw Buck at the door. "Got a couple of kids outside who wanna see ya. Ponyboy & Johnny.", He told him. Dallas started walking downstairs, with Buck following telling him something.

"What do you guys want?", He asked them.
"Johnny killed a soc.", Pony told him.
"What?", He asked. He then saw how they looked.
"Alright. Good for you.", He said as he grabbed Johnny's shoulder. He then let go as he smoked a cigarette.
"We figured if anyone could get anyone you could Dal.", Johnny told him. He was quiet for a second until he spoke up. "I'm sorry I got you away from this party & all, but I just, I don't know what to do man.", He said.
"Uh- I was- I was just trying to get some sleep. I got in a fight with, uh Tim Shepherd tonight. Let me see what I can do about this mess. C'mon get in here.", He told them as he dragged them in. "Ponyboy, you okay?", He asked him.
"Yeah, I'm okay. He said.

As they were walking in Ponyboy started to wonder off. That was when Dallas grabbed him. "Hey, hey Pony c'mon.", He told him as he pushed him upstairs. "You're gonna die of pneumonia before the cops get ya.", He said as they walked upstairs.

As they got near the door Dallas spoke up. "Uh, wait out here guys I gotta check on something before you can come in.", He said as he walked in and shut the door.
"Hey y/n, wake up.", He said he shook her. She then woke up.
"What Dal?", She mumbled as she was slightly awake. He then thought for a bit as he came to an idea.
" You- ya have to sleep in the bathtub for a bit, alright?", He told her.
"Why?", She asked as she sat up.
"I'll tell you later. Now get up.", He said before picking her and taking her to the bathroom.
"Whatever.", She said and went back to sleep.

He then walked back out and shut the bathroom door. After that he let the boys in.
"C'mon", Dallas said as they all walked in. Pony sat on the bed as Johnny just stood somewhere.
"Hey stupid, take the sweatshirt off will ya man.", He told Ponyboy. Pony then took off the wet sweatshirt he had on. "You'll freeze to death."
Dallas then threw a towel for Ponyboy. Although, it did land on the floor. Pony then grabbed the towel wrapping it around himself. As he was doing that Dallas was looking for something in the drawers.
"Man I wish I had a wee now.", Johnny spoke up.
Dallas then pulled out a gun. He checked and made sure it was loaded before he handed it to Johnny. "Here.", He said as he handed it towards Johnny.
"Don't point the thing at me, will ya?", He told Johnny as he went to close the window. "It's loaded, c'mon.",

Johnny then shoved it in his pants.(I believe he may have checked to see if it was locked idk)
Dallas then started reaching around I his pants pocket. After he found some cash it handed it to Johnny. "Here ya go, it's fifty bucks.", He told him. "Look I'm not itching to tell your big brothers about this and get my head kicked in man." He told Pony as went behind to grab a shirt.
"Then don't tell him!", Pony said, he voice coming out as a yell.
"Here it's Buck's. It's a little big on ya, but it's dry." Dallas said, he then turned towards Johnny. "C'mere", he said as he slightly grabbed Johnny by the collar of his jacket. Not enough to hurt him, but enough for him to get down to his level since he was sitting. Johnny was biting his nails or something, because he was nervous
s. After Pony go the shirt the three of them gather around.

"Get the 3:15 train to Windrixevile. it's a frate(?). There's an abandoned church on top of Jay mountain.", He told them as he put a cigarette in his mouth.
"There's a pump in the back so you don't have to worry about water." He then lit his cigarette.
"Get a weak supply of food, as soon as you get there this morning.", He then took his cigarette outta his mouth."Before the story gets out."

. . .

They then looked at each other before Dallas spoke up again.
"Then don't as much as stick your noses out the door, am i clear?" The boys were still silent. "I'll be out there as soon as i think everything's cool"
He the. Say the boys were tense. "Hey c'mon, relax buddy."

. . .

Soon after they left Dally went and woke up y/n again telling her she can go back to the bedroom. After they went back, they went back to sleeping. Although this time, y/n had their arms around his neck as they faced each other.

It's my own design...

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I Wish Everything Was Different | DALLAS WINSTON X READER Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang