Second Time Over - An Empires SMP AU

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A random au where Xornoth and Scott get sent a thousand years into the future after they die.

Based off some random headcanon of mine where S1 Scott was reincarnated as a llama under S2 Scott's care.

I held the Rune Blade to my throat, my hands trembling in fear and anticipation. These were my last moments alive, and of course fate has forced me to spend them in the nether, with my brother.

The traitor. The one who made everyone believe he was a saint before he ran away.

"That's the difference between us, brother." I said, a thin line of blood appearing on my neck, "I don't always put myself first."

Xornoth stepped forward. "No, what are you doing-"

I shrugged. "And, sure, I've made plenty of mistakes. I've hurt people. But... I always did my best."

My brother took another step forward, reaching for the sword. He knew what the sword did. What it could do to him. 

It had the kind of power that no mortal being did. 

It could destroy time, physics and everything in between with just one slash. And, more importantly, it could destroy him.

"But for the fist time..." I continued, smiling, "In a long time, I finally know what I need to do for my friends."

I pressed the sword deeper into my neck, the cut beginning to ache in the warm nether air.

"Because I've always had a way to kill you, when I'm right here."


I swung the blade through my flesh and a blinding flash of pain shot through my body. I fell to the ground...

And then I was gone.


However, they must have forgotten to mention a little something about this blade in the myths. Those ancient scrolls had failed me once again. It seemed to have more magical properties that what first met the eye.

For a thousand years, everything was well and good. I watched over my friends, the remaining few at least. They all lived relatively happy lives, and I was glad.

Though one day, everything changed. It felt as if I was woken up from a peaceful dream, only to be wrenched from my bed moments later. 

I looked around. A plains biome, a savannah in the distance, a river. This... this place looked odd. It had the old campfire but... why wasn't it in the jungle?

"Hello, brother," A voice said, almost happily, "Long time no see."

I turned rapidly. No... not again. I looked all around for Xornoth, but I couldn't see him anywhere. All I could see was a cream coloured llama, eating grass in the distance.

Even so, I needed to leave. I couldn't keep dealing with him, life after life after life. Because that's what must have happened, right? I'd been reincarnated. That damn sword!

I started to run, but something felt... off. I stopped to turn my head, which was seemingly attached to an extremely long neck, and was taken aback by what I saw.

I stared in wonder. I now had a long, furry body and four legs. I was-

"A LLAMA!!?" I tried to exclaim, however it came out in several strange hums and brays. Just... delightful.

I looked around once more. I seemed to be... on a bridge? A very elaborate one at that, with high columns and beautiful texturing. I walked down the middle, watching the sun set over the mountains to the west. 

"A... llama! God, I've been looking for you for ages!" I heard a voice call.

I turned and saw a colourful man with bright, cyan blue hair and multicoloured eyes. In fact... he was extremely colourful, head to toe.

"My first llama friend." He said, attaching a lead to my coat. "You're gonna love it in Chromia."

I had no idea what the heck 'Chromia' was, but I let him lead me across the bridge. I had nowhere else to go, and despite how eccentric this man was, he seemed to be capable of winning a fight. I felt... strangely safe.


The man stopped atop a large mountain, staring out over a brightly coloured kingdom.

"This is Chromia the colour kingdom, the place to 'dye' for. Our export is dye." He said, clearly proud of his pun.

Hah. Funny.

He started to lead me down the mountain, but stopped short.

"Another llama?! It's my lucky day!"

I turned sharply and stared. A tall, cream coloured llama was staring back at me.

And then it uttered the words I had been afraid of since Xornoth ran away from home all those years ago.

"Hello, brother. Remember me?"

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