Ch 8

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Making my way home as soon as possible I lead Jaeyoon to the stairs instead of the elevator we rushing as fast as possible. As soon as I exit the stairwell on my floor my nose immediately catches the scent of fresh baked goods and fear I immediately knowing it's Niall's scent and that he's in heat. Groaning I look at Jaeyoon who has a frown on his face his nose wrinkling. "He didn't mention he was in heat so now we're probably dealing with feral alphas." He gives me a reassuring look. "It's gonna be okay I'll take care of it." Trusting him I give a little nod and we rush to my apartment door where indeed there's three young alphas that almost have my door busted down. "Hey! You need to leave!" They suddenly freeze before slowly turning to me growls leaving them. They start to head towards me but Jaeyoon quickly steps in front of me protectively growling at the three young alphas they pausing when they see Jaeyoon since he's much bigger and stronger than all three of them. Jaeyoon gives them all a stern warning look growling out angrily. "Leave now." They seem to hesitate before Jaeyoon starts to advance they quickly rushing away from us I letting out a sigh of relief. I look at Jaeyoon appreciatively. "Thank you so much for helping. You better get going though and I'll check on Niall." He gives a little nod avoiding getting too close to the door. "Call me later and let me know how Niall is." I nod reassuring him I will and hand him his container of brownies before carefully opening my door and close it locking it securely. I then rush to Niall's room and knock on the door my nose wrinkling at the intense smell coming from his room. "Niall it's me open up." I wait a minute before eventually the doors opened I immediately rushing in and see Niall curled up on the floor shaking his scent hitting me full force. "Oh Niall. Why didn't you tell me your heat was starting?" He whines and whimpers. "I didn't know. I thought I was just getting sick." I frown and gently help him out of the floor and into his bed he whining a little. I immediately rush to go get a cool washcloth and put it on his head he whining out pitifully squirming. "Alpha!" I freeze and give him a wide eyed look he immediately calling out pitifully. "Alpha! Need alpha!" I frown worriedly. "Niall who are you talking about?" He just whines calling out alpha again and I see how quickly he's declining he tugging at his clothes and crying out alpha. Not knowing what to do I exit the room and immediately call Jaeyoon waiting anxiously for him to pick up he finally answering after a few minutes. "Hello?" I immediately feel worried and anxious I blurting out in panic. "Jaeyoon it's Niall I think he imprinted on someone and I don't know who and he keeps calling out for his alpha and his heat is getting really bad." He speaks up his voice calming me a little. "Well who has he been around the last couple of days that's an alpha?" I think for a moment. "The only person I can really think of is a boy from Niall's new school. He was an alpha and he showed Niall around school so they were together quite awhile." I hear shuffling before he speaks up. "It might be him." I sigh. "I don't know how to get ahold of him though. I wasn't expecting any of this so soon especially since Niall's so young." Jaeyoon makes a sympathetic noise. "Well mates can be found at any age." I sigh running a hand through my hair. "I'll let you go I need to find a way to get ahold of this boy." He wishes me luck and tells me to call him later I reassuring him that I will then think back to the details of the boy who showed Niall around it then that I remember that he's the principals son. Quickly pulling the schools number up I call the principal and inform him about what's going on he a little surprised but I tell him that if he can get the boy who's name I'm reminded is Samuel to wait I'll have someone pick him up and lead him to my apartment. He agrees and I call Jaeyoon back asking him to pick up Samuel and bring him over he immediately agreeing and reassures me he'll be there soon. I hang up sighing and go back to Niall who's crying and squirming in pain I quickly rushing over reassuring him that he'll get help soon.

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