02|The Mountains

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The journey continued on, both Mizuki and Akito stood by my side. Mizuki gotten the knights to listen when I failed to give them instructions. We are one month in on our journey, meaning we had two months left.

I minded my own business until I heard two knights speak to another. "How did Tenma even get the spot as 'Strongest Knight in Melrose Kingdom?' He has no muscles and he's slim!" A knight chuckled as he elbowed the other knight.

"As if! I'm obviously stronger than him, he even retreated from the battle last month!" Once the other knight said that, they shared a laugh quietly. I gritted my teeth, they didn't know what I had to endure just to get that spot. The amount of bodies that I've seen since I was eleven.

No one understood what I've went through other than the queen herself. I kept my composure and told them to talk to me in the side. Of course I told Mizuki to lead the rest for me. "Pfft! He even got her to lead the crowd, isn't she more weaker than him?" The knight laughed.

Mizuki glared at him, making him shut his annoying little mouth. "For your information, I go by they/them not she/her. If you continue to use the wrong pronouns to address me, I'll be sure to report it to the queen." They spoke in a harsh manner before returning to the crowd.

I was shocked, I wasn't aware that s- they used they/them? It didn't bother me, as long as it didn't get in the way of getting work done. Other then that, I turned to look at the two unworthy knights. "May you repeat those words I've just heard?" I raised an eyebrow, staring at them.

None of them spoke, instead they just looked at each other. One of them just gulped instead of listening to me. I scoffed, turning my back on them. "That's what I thought, you wouldn't dare to say anything in front of me. Return to the group." I ordered, glaring at the both of them.

They nodded and hurried to the group. I took a deep breath before running towards Mizuki and Akito.

╌──═Two Months Later═──╌

We have finally arrived at our destination. The entrance looked quite odd. The base was inside a mountain. I walked up to the entrance before looking around for any clue on how to enter this strange base.

I turned to look at both Mizuki and Akito. "Wait here, once I set off a signal you can enter." I explained, about to enter the odd base. "Wait, what's the signal though?" Akito asked before I entered. I smirked, turning to look at them. "You'll see."

╌──═Akito Shinonome's Point of View═──╌

Just as Tenma entered the weird looking ass base I turned to Mizuki. "The fuck does he mean, 'you'll see' I'm not a fucking psychic." I scoffed, crossing my arms. Mizuki just shrugged in response. "I don't know either, but it's Soaring Pegasus we are talking about so I guess he knows what he's doing." Mizuki smiled cheekingly.

"Shut the fuck up-" I was speaking until Mizuki slapped me. "The fuck you did that for?!" I yelled, rubbing my f a c i a l cheek. "Oh shut it you ginger knight!" Mizuki giggled like the irresponsible bitch they are.

╌──═Tsukasa Tenma's Point of View═──╌

Once the entrance opened, I entered. After walking for a few minutes, I heard a loud noise, immediately I turned to look at the source of the sound. It was a dark and empty hallway, I took a deep breath before walking down that exact hallway.

When I started walking down the hallway, I saw a strange red glow further, it seemed to come closer and closer until a familiar silhouette seemed to be clear. He had a somewhat messy purple hair tied in a small ponytail. He wore monocle glasses, his footsteps were becoming louder. Each footstep, my heart pounded.

I immediately came to my senses and ran to hide behind some broken crates. Is it him? I panicked, I looked at the person again to make sure. There stood the ex knight of Melrose Kingdom, Lilac Sword. I gulped, he wore the same knight uniform he use to wear when we'd spar.

But he kinda looks... I blushed as I took another glimpse at him. No! I can't fall in love with my ex partner, plus he's now the enemy! I looked into the same gold eyes that Lilac Sword had, admiring them. He looked over to where I was before laughing. 

I try hiding myself even more, I covered my mouth with my hand, hoping that I didn't make a sound. I felt icky disgusting butterflies in my stomach, ew I hate bugs...

"I know you're there~" His voice sent shivers down my spine. I completely went silent, I closed my eyes shut. "He doesn't know you're here, he's just trying to convince you to come out," is all I could think of but it didn't help me calm down.

"Aw~ Tsukasa you are making me sad, just come out and everything will be fine!" He let out a crazy laugh, making me curl into a ball even more. After a few minutes, I heard him grunt in anger before I heard crashing in the room.

Suddenly, the sound of crates and items crashing stopped. I opened my eyes again, looking around. "You know, ignoring your friend is rude Tsukasa." Lilac Sword suddenly spoke, I turned to my right and saw him smiling at me.

My eyelids suddenly felt heavy as the taller male got closer. "This won't hurt at all." Was the last thing I heard before dozing off.

╌──═Author's note═──╌
Yes, if you guys never even got the idea that Lilac sword is Rui Kamishiro then I'm shocked. Anyways so like yea had to give more dialogue because I can. Watch me publish chapter three next week how funny would that be?

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