03 | Trapped

200 18 121

╌──═Dragon Whisperer's Point of View═──╌

The Alchemist had taken hostage of another person, I wonder what happened during Alchemist's duty that led to a captive prisoner. Was he the one who possibly snuck in the base? The consequences are a little cruel though. Maybe they'll lose a limb or just a finger, it depends on how much the mage takes a liking to them.

I held a damp wet towel for the prisoner, his forehead was filled with sweat and was hot. I hope he didn't catch a fever.

╌──═Tsukasa Tenma's Point of View═──╌

"Ngh..." I groan in pain, I tried to move but I was restricted by something. My vision was blurry, oh god. AM I BECOMING BLIND, BUT I HAVE A WHOLE LIFE AHEAD OF ME I CAN'T LOSE MY VISION?! Oh god please let me live on this life! I promise I won't disobey the queen's rules again-

I blinked again, but turns out I was just adjusting to the light and not going blind. "How stupid." I muttered, looking down at the ground. My wrists were in immense pain due to the chains that trapped me. Am I dead?

I looked around, observing my surroundings. I sat on the cold hard floor, wow they could've at least made me sit on a chair instead. Once I thought that, the door had opened and I wish it was someone else who entered. Lilac Sword stood there, smiling as he held the keys in the air.

"Lilac Sword..." I glared at him, I would've fought him but I was restricted by these chains. "Aw~ Tsukasa is that a way to address your old childhood friend?" He snickered, walking towards me. He pushed me against the wall and placed his hand on the wall.

I just avoid his gaze as he inspected me for a... strange while. His pale face had a hint of a rosy pink on his f a c i a l cheeks. Oh right the signal, I almost forgot! "Ah!~" I moan out the signal. His eyes widened, and his smile grew wider. After a few minutes he slowly moved his hand towards my face in a tedious manner.

He now grabbed my jaw and inspected me even more. "Oh wow, so much has changed!" He muttered quietly, all I did was just stand there, glaring at him. I kicked his leg, clearly not thinking it through. Instead of him falling the direction I intended, he fell onto me.

He grabbed my shoulder with a tight grasp making me gasp in pain. I worried that my shoulder might break and bleed if he tightened his grasp even more. He pushed himself up before chuckling in a creepy manner.

"Oh you little shit, first you try to make me aroused then you kick me. What exactly is your plan Soaring Pegasus?" He pulled my hair, smiling. "Ow! Nothing that concerns you, Kamishiro." I grunt in pain, trying to kick him again but he unfortunately managed to dodge that kick.

He let go of my hair before grabbing my restricted hands, softly playing with them. I tilt my head in confusion. "What soft and talented hands it'd be unfortunate if someone you know... broke them?" He grinned, letting go of my hands.

My eyes widened, and he twisted my fingers. I wince in pain, tears forming in my eyes. I've gotten injured multiple times, but this somehow hurt and felt like the most painful experience I've ever had. I closed my eyes, I wish not to see it happening.

He just laughed when he saw my reaction, it hurt to know he didn't care anymore. I opened my eyes to see he wasn't in the room anymore. I sighed, avoiding my hands. I heard the cell gate open again, oh god did he come back for round two?

But instead it was another male. It was the two-toned male from two months ago. "Hello, I've prepared you a glass water assuming you are thirsty after all that. I'm Aoyagi Toya, please call me Toya instead of the Dragon Whisperer." He unlocked one of the chains that held me still, trusting that I won't escape.

"Thank you." I carefully grab the glass from his hand before taking a sip. Though he was an enemy and I blindly took a drink from him and he maybe tinkered with the drink. I hoped he didn't put anything in the glass of water.

But of course, he did. I blacked out, dropping the glass onto the ground.

╌──═Toya Aoyagi's Point of View═──╌

Seeing that the prisoner blacked out, I cleaned up the glass shards on the floor. I stood up shortly after. "So this is the male Alchemist would talk about seeking revenge. I envy you." I mutter, slowly walking to the cell gate. I took one last glance at him, surprisingly he still has all of his limbs intact on his body.

That's the first time I seen the mage's prisoners remain in one piece. I never dare to say this but he does get mad quite easily... I sighed before exiting the cell. I saw the alchemist leaning on the wall, humming quietly.

"I've given him the sleep medicine." I told him, the mage just stopped humming before having a creepy smile. "Excellent!" He looked up, his eyes beamed with excitement for some odd reason. "May I ask why you have ordered me to dump sleep medicine in the glass of water, couldn't we just left him awake?" I ask, turning my back against the other.

He just stared at me before laughing. "Oh Aoyagi... knowing Tsukasa he'd stay up all night instead of resting even in a feeble condition, and I need him to have energy preserved for my future experiment." His voice sent chills down my spine, but my expression didn't fall at all.

I just nod in response about to walk away. "Oh and if you really think I get mad really easily, then try not to tick me off Toya Aoyagi, or you'll end up like my previous captive prisoner." I froze when Kamishiro said that, I didn't say anything or move at all. Kamishiro just chuckled even more, before walking away.

Note to self, never think or speak anything negative about The Alchemist...

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