Chapter 1

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If there's one thing I hated, it would be egotistical men.

The line at Starbucks was long. I was fourth and at the till stood two men arguing about who's job was more important. A doctor and a man in a suit.

I didn't have time for this. My client was waiting for me to clarify her claims in the divorce. Mrs Reyal and her husband were together for thirty three years. Then he left her from some, and I repeat,  'hussy' from New Mexico.

I checked my watch one more time, quarter past eight. It's been ten minutes already. I headed to the front, "Listen, as entertaining as the show your running here is, some of us have a life to get to so if you toddlers don't mind the rest of us would like to get our stuff and get back to making money", I said. They both stared at me, the doctor scoffed but nonetheless ordered. Finally, some progress. I got my daily drug and left for work.

It was Friday, a good day. My hair blew in the gentle breeze, I always straighten it for work, and the cold of the morning air made my eyes tear. When I got to the building I greeted everyone on the way to my office. It had been two years since I started working at Sandbox Corporated, one of the best law firms. Dad and Elise had been so proud when I passed the bar exam, my Dad even stayed at the party afterward, which he never did.

I've always had just Dad, my stepmom Elise and HIM. El is a real sweetheart, I've asked her multiple times what she saw in my Dad, she'd always answer that love was blinding. I was about seven years old when my Dad packed our things and moved us to Westley Mansion, our home. A few weeks later Dad got married and Elise moved in. She took me as her own. On my ninth birthday, HE arrived. HE was ten at the time.

The thoughts of HIM stormed my head. It was always like this during HE'S birthday week. I saw HIS eyes in my male co-workers as I moved about from my office to the photocopy room, I saw HE'S smile as our Butler, James picked me up and drove me home. I heard HE'S voice on my head as I hugged Elise and took off my shoes and coat. I then walked upstairs to my room.

To say the day was horrible would be an understatement. Finally I laid my head against my pillow. To me, my room was ordinary, Westley Mansion was ordinary, my family was ordinary. But to everyone else, it was strange.

My room was an entire floor in the attic. It was a huge space. Down the spiral staircase was my Dad and Elsie's floor which was just as big and further down the spiral staircase on the last floor was the dining room and kitchen. Towards the back of Westley Mansion was the entertainment area. It was separated into two parts with a marble wall.

Describing my room is quite difficult to explain, because my Dad had people build things to fit. The cupboards, mirrors cabinets, walk-in wardrobe, bed, everything were designed to fit into my room.

A floor I forgot (purposely) to mention, would be HE'S floor. It was above the entertainment area. When HE had turned sixteen, Dad said the entertainment area was built for the family but it was actually just for HIM.

I hear Elise in the kitchen, and smell the lasagne from where I am. As much as I love sleep, I love eating more. I tied my hair and went down to the kitchen.

Elise was seriously the most beautiful women I'd ever seen. Her blonde hair was a lighter shade of grey, her blue eyes were always full of light, but it was her smile, so warm, so shiny. Whenever she smiled at me, I felt how much she loved me. Like she was smiling now, it made my heart fly and burn.

Him And I Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang