Chapter 4

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Having him around was worse than waking up from a coma thirteen years later.

I felt like I was here, but not really here.

Work was awkward and I only went to get two cups of coffee that day. Which was a minimum for me.

I had to deal with Mr Tripe, a sexist old man without coffee in my system and I could tell he started to understand that I just wanted he's harassment case out of my life.

Finally work was over and when I locked my office door I peered around the area. Just a few interns working here and there. I smiled at them as I passed and got into the elevator. The ride was peaceful, unlike this morning and I gently massaged my aching temples for the headache I was sporting. It was dark out, my watch told me it was about nine pm.

My phone rang and caller id told me it was El. " Lara dear, your dad is home from work rather early today and would like you to join us for dinner this evening", she says. I roll my eyes as the elevator doors open and I walk then step out into the cold air, walking further to my apartment. " Oh El, I can't tonight, I'm just getting home from work and I have to schedule Baxter before I take him to daycare", I say. Sorry Bax.

I hear some mumbling from her side, she's probably telling my dad. I know he won't allo- " Rich says it's okay, Baxter can be in your room", El says. I grit my teeth and sigh opening my apartment door and shoo away Baxter from the door. " Fine. I'm on my way", I say. I close the door much to Baxters dismay.

I look at my reflection. My auburn curly hair is frayed in different directions. I tie it with my scrunchie. I was too hungover to straighten it this morning. My light brown eyes are okay looking. My figure isn't exactly the best, I do work out some weekends.

I look down at Baxter, " Mommy looks pretty right?" I ask him as he paws on my jeans. I smile and pick him up, and leave my apartment after locking the door. I then stand outside my building and order a dog friendly cab and I don't wait long till he arrives. Baxter ofcourse is hyped. He loves car rides.

I text Eren and Ana on our group chat that I'm having dinner at Westley Mansion. I switch my phone off before they can panic. It takes a while before we reach the Mansion and Baxter is literally hanging out the window. Luckily the road into the woods at Westley are almost always empty.

We reach the Mansion and I put the leash on Baxter. Dad has bad allergies but El loves them. Polar opposites.

Baxter pulls me past Gloria, a helper of ours. I smile as we pass. Then finally we reach the door of Westley Mansion.

A blow of wind throws me over just as I open the door. I fall on top of poor Baxter who wiggles himself from underneath me. I laugh, my face red and close the door. When I look up my Dad stands in the foyer handing George, he's secretary, a folder. A soft look crosses he's face but it's gone too soon as he peers from he's glasses at Baxter who is excitedly tugging me into the kitchen direction.

He doesn't get far before I pick him up kissing he's furry forehead, "Annelara, take your pet upstairs and get ready for dinner." Dad says without a look in my direction. I glare at him. Betrayal courses my veins as I stomp upstairs and it brings back deja vu from when I was younger.

I place Baxter in my room, taking off he's leash and putting some doggy snacks in he's bowl. In my room here he has a doggie bed, he's food accessories and toys. I smile as he forgets all about me playing on a small jungle gym." Be good Baxter" I say making my face serious. He spares me a glance as he attempts to climb.

I'm smiling as I close my room door and just as I take the first step a rough hand on my arm stops me. " Hey, what are you smiling about?" HE asks me. My face falls, my demeanor changes and my heart soars at our physical contact.

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