Chapter 7

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" Oh my gosh, you didn't! ", gasps Ana, who's sitting across from me at BG's.

I nod, my head hanging in shame, " I wish I didn't".

It's been a day.

After I recovered from my orgasm and Grayson's shocking declare of love, I rushed downstairs and met with Jakob. I made the same excuse about a family member dying and he was so sympathetic and kind that he drove me to my apartment.

Eren and Ana phoned and texted but I said I was down with stomach flu. I spent the rest of the day just staring at my phone.


For what, I have no idea.

Then this morning Ana came over and forced me to shower and we took Baxter to doggy daycare and now we're here.

Ana looks strange. I'd never seen such an expression on her face before.

" You know Lar, when we met, I thought you were weird" she says.

I scoff, " No seriously, rumors about how messed up your family was spread all over the school and everyone avoided you because we didn't want to find out if it were true" she says laughing.

" I actually feel attacked", I say rolling my eyes and taking a bite of my doughnut. " Then my dad forces us to your house that night and I see that it's quite normal. Till I met Grayson." 

I frown in interest.

" Apparently he saw you invite me to your room to watch cartoons with you and he saw me say no. So he told me that if I wasn't nice to you he'd put gum in my hair and fill my shampoo with Nair" she says looking at me.

My eyes widen" Huh? " I say thinking she's joking.

Her face remains serious, " The night of the party, you know when you and Jakob went on the date, he practically interviewed me about your where you were" she laughs.

" Why would he care? " I say looking at the people passing by and drinking my ice coffee.

" Because he loved you even before that. It must've been since you met" she says taking my hand. " We were ten?! " I laugh. She giggles along.

After a while of avoiding that topic and talking about how Ana was going to file for divorce with their family's lawyer we leave. We're on our way to Eren's apartment when she says, " It's up to you what you're going to do you know. We can give you advice, but they decision will always be yours". She hugs me and strokes my hair.

I sigh, " I don't know what to do. I'm such a idiot for letting him do that to me"

She shakes her head, " You still love him. He didn't give you closure so you never had time to heal. You should find out what happened" she says when we reach Eren's apartment.

I take out my key because her's is in her other handbag and we enter.

Eren is in he's underwear on the couch playing he's new game. He sees us and he's whole face lights up." My girl's" he says and ushers us the sit next to him.

We crawl into him, me in his one arm, Ana in the other. We three are practically molded into one another.

" Hey hey, what's going on?" He asks, voice full of concern.

I shake my head, " Grayson" I say and Ana says " Divorce"

He sighs, " I'll make some cocoa yeah?" We nod and take off our shoes getting comfortable.

Later that evening, the delivery guy arrives and hands Ana our McDonald's. We sit on the couch eating and watching Gilmore Girls.

" I want a girl named Rory" I say watching Rory and Jess walk down the street, he's nose in her hair. Eren laughs, " You haven't changed, you've always wanted a girl named Rory and a boy named Eric". Ana joins in and I scoff.

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