Chapter 5

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" So this is what its come to huh?", HE asks.

I stare off into the dark woods. My phone call with Eren ended a while back and HE'S still here. I roll my eyes.

Don't give in Annelara, HE just wants to start a conversation with you.

I ignore him and focus on Baxter who stares at HIM in contemplation.

Its a while till a hear a deep sigh," I had to go, you saw what the old man had planned for me. I don't even want to think of where or who I would've been", HE'S deep calm voice says into the night. I stare ahead again.

SO WHAT?? Does he seriously think Dad will leave him to work at Sandbox forever. The old man is overjoyed that the prodigal son returned and so is the board at Crawford Enterprises.

I look over at HIM and I regret it immediately.

HE'S leaning against the pillar at the front gate, the boots on HE'S feet are leather and they look warm. At least warmer than my sneakers. HE'S wearing dress pants and HE swapped HE'S shirt for a plain white t-shirt that sits a bit too tight for my liking. It displays all the plains of HE'S muscular upper body.

Holy Flying Shakespeare, bless the military!

My eyes stray higher to HIS face, and my heart thumps vividly in my chest. HE doesn't even age. Then my eyes meet HE'S and I see the way HIS looking at me.

In HIS eyes, I see us. I see me following HIM everywhere during school and at home. I see him holding me when my mom tried to take me away from my dad. I see us on my seventeenth birthday, laying in he's bed, he's fingers running through my hair, my arms locked around him. I see me finding that letter under he's bed. I see him standing outside the gate of Westley Mansion about to get in the car taking him to the harbour.

I look away and blink back tears. HE moves forward towards me but Baxter barks unhappily and I tug at he's leash. I hear a engine in the distance," C'mon boy, there's Renn", I say and steer Baxter to the opening gates.

HE shuffles after me.

" Its freezing, why didn't you take a jacket?", Eren says getting out of the car and walking to me slipping he's coat onto my shivering body. He even takes off he's beanie and forces my hair into it with a wry smile," You good?" He asks after I don't talk for a while. I nod, hasty to leave.

I open the back seat and put Baxter inside. " Still playing basketball huh?" I hear HIM say as I turn around to open the passenger seat door. I face Eren who stands opposite HIM. "Nah, just a observer, business keeps me too busy", Eren responds. Come on Renn, lets get out of here. I get into the car and wait letting out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding.

Eren and HIM talk for a while, a thump makes me look towards them and i see Eren on the ground with HIM staring deadly at him. I fly out the car, " Renn!"

Eren struggles to get up as I help him stand," What is wrong with you?!", I angrily ask him walking Renn to the passenger seat. I'm grabbed and pulled against the car and Eren falls into the seat.

The door is slammed closed and two arms case me in. " You." ,HE says, staring into my eyes. I roll my eyes, "Grow up Grayson" I say trying to step past HIM but HE pulls me closer. " I didn't know Koala, I didn't know", HE says.

I stare up at HIM confused, " What are you talking about?" HE shakes HE'S head pulling me closer.

"Grayson, get over here!", Dad yells from the front door. HE looks back at Dad, HE'S face guarded. HE lets me go reluctantly and stares at me. "I would never hurt you Annelare. Never", HE says and walks inside the house.

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