Chapter 8

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What is closure? Him telling me that he doesn't love me?

I can tell you what it sure ain't, hearing from my dad that he's getting married to my archenemy.

Okay let me explain.

After I woke up, I sluggishly went to the bathroom. I video called Ana while I washed my hair and told her to check on Bax, which she then responded that she would be staying over at my place anyway.

I then added curl cream to my hair, leaving it to fray everywhere and just put on my old washed out jeans, which sat a little too tightly and a midrif t-shirt which sat like a tight crop top and showed my stomach and boobs. I looked at myself and smiled.

This was how carefree I was supposed to be.

I then went to go look for El, but it seemed she wasn't around. So I wanted to ask my dad where she was. Old bastard.

But when I was on my way to he's study, I saw the door was slightly ajar and there stood Grayson, while my dad sat in he's throne sized chair. Which is very comfortable I must add.

"It's about time you come to your senses son, the company needs a new movement and I'm getting old. Ofcourse I can't trust your sister to do anything because she'd probably recommend giving all the businesses assets to the poor", Dad says with a eye roll.

I roll my eyes, you'd think the rich would be considerate.

" She'd do just fine Dad, she's got a good head on her shoulders. They way the guys at work respect her, it shows how good she is. She's even got friends who are judges and prosecutors", Grayson says. A fond smile on he's face.

This seems to upset my dad, " I thought you had let that ideas go" my dad glares and raises his voice. Which he never does. Grayson looks taken aback. " Dad, I was just complimenting her" he says. I frown, why does Dad even care.

What ideas?

" Well keep it that way, because you see I've set up a little party of sorts this Saturday." Dad says standing up and walking to he's whiskey table.

He pours himself a glass, " Your mother informed me that Annelara is leaving Saturday evening and returning Monday afternoon, so I thought it's best to have it before" he says patting Grayson on the back" Having Rea as a wife would not only boost her family's status, but joining companies would bring a whole new variety of resources and assets on board"

I stand in the hallway shocked.

Rea? REA?

Oh my gosh I'm such a fool.

Ofcourse it's Rea.

" We last saw him go with Rea to the pool " , Ana says, completely drunk and leaning on Eren who tries to hold her a arms length away.

I laugh at the two but inside of me, my brain is in panic.

Rea had always wanted Grayson you see, asking me to set them up, begging me to invite her over. Ofcourse Grayson never even looked her way, claiming she was a sad case in need of attention because of her daddy issues but the suspicion was always there.

I walk over to the pool, a red cup of vodka punch in my hand. This after Grayson decided we need to be alone, insert innuendo, and then we came downstairs to a wild party, organised by our friends.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts, Grayson was not that type of guy.

The words stopped in my brain when I looked near the poolside. There swam Grayson and Rea.

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