Chapter 3

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The summer of my first year in high school was incredibly memorable.

HE and Eren were best friends which meant that Eren was at our house almost everyday. They were also a year higher than us and soon they became the most popular duo. They were the schools best basketball players.

I met Ana, a very quiet girl with black hair and blue eyes, which El said was quite rare. I later found out that Ana went to our high school and we became friends. We were in the cheerleading team and I was also in the Debate Society, much to my despise. Dad had said that being in Debate Society gave lots of points for Law School so I was practically forced to join.

It wasn't so bad, because I got to see Jakob who was a year senior.

Jakob was a boy-next-door kind of handsome. He always high-fived me when he won or flirted with me after a debate. He never lost.

Debates and basketball games kinda happened on the same days. So it was always give and take between my dad and I. If he gave me a day to cheer, I give him a day to brag about me winning a debate.

Then one day I invited Jakob to come watch the game- which he wasn't really interested in. But after the game that the basketball team had won, he took me to eat ice cream at the Sundae Best ice cream shop ( the best shop in town) and we went for a long drive around the coast. It was my first date and I thought he would kiss me after he dropped me off.

It was better that he didn't.

After my date with Jakob, I had come home to HIM having a party. HE was shirtless. Watching me with dark eyes as one of HE'S basketball friends spoke to him

I made a sandwich, spoke to Eren as we shared it then moved to my room but HE had held onto my arm as I was going up the stairs, " Back so soon from your date huh?", HE snidely asked. It wasn't a question, more a statement, a mocking one. I just rolled my eyes and tried to pull my arm from HE'S hold. HE had other ideas.

HE pushed me against the staircase wall. HE'S naked chest pressed against mine and HE'S breath, smelling of orange juice and a mix of something bitter hit my face as HE said, " I would've taken you somewhere better, not some shit ice cream shop". My heart started beating faster as HE tilted my head up with the inside of HE'S palm. HE'S hand then slid to the back of my neck up into my curly hair, " You deserve more than that asshole", HE said with a low voice.

My eyes met HIS and my lower stomach felt weird. I crossed my legs and HE smirked, HE'S lips brushed my forehead and then my nose. HE smelled so good. " I'll wait a little longer Koala", HE looked into my eyes, HE'S face a threads width away from mine, " Stop biting your lip like that, it won't lead to good things", HE said HE'S lips practically brushing mine, he used HE'S thumb to take my bottom lip from between my teeth. I hate when HE called me that. 

HE then stepped away, gave me one last once over, HE'S eyes dark. And then HE went back to HE'S party.

Now in the shower I shake my head , my chest heaving, my breath hollowed, my heart beating a thousand times fast.

HIM being back meant bad things. Brought back bad memories.

I peer at Ana who was still sleeping like the dead. I had woken up from a bad dream and showering was the best way to calm me down. It was almost like the took my thoughts down the drain.

I continued with my morning routine and went to open my bedroom door. I smiled as I watched Baxter wiggle and run to me from between a sleeping Eren's arms on the couch. When I went to the bathroom I saw Eren had fallen asleep on the couch instead of the guest room so I just threw a blanket over him.

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