Chapter 12: Tell Yourself the Stories

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Josie put the last of the empty plates back onto the tray before a swoosh of the wrist caused them all to disappear. The floor around them was still clean, and polished, and the music felt as though it was getting quieter despite the blasting of the speakers and vibration of the walls. 

No one had come looking for the birthday girl. No one had shouted her name in attempts to get her attention, to do a dance with the guests or open presents. The time, still showing brightly on Hopes watch was still letting the girl know just how early, and how late the day has gotten. 

But Hope wasn't thinking about that. Not now anyways. 

"Last question" The girl in the mask said, letting her arms stretch up into the air. "Then we get up and stretch. Legs kinda losing blood flow" she muttered trying to wiggle her leg. 

"Okay... favorite childhood memory" Hope asked. She got up, extending her hand to the girl in front of her. Josie didn't hesitate to accept the help. Pulling herself up, then dusting herself off before she leaned back against the wall. 

Her favorite childhood memory. There was a lot. More than any little kid could remember, and choose which one was their favorite. Which one would be the story they told at any gathering because it always brought them happiness and laughter. 

But when she really thought about, it made her a bit sad. Mainly because all her favorite, all her happiest memories involved the girl right before her. 

Like the time they got chased by a dog because Hope was determined to get her soccer ball back from the dog who stole while at the park. Both running away for their life after finally getting the ball. They had to jump into the park pound in order to get somewhere 'safe'. Josie didn't mind. It was a hot day, and the two splashing around made it even more entertaining. 

Maybe Josie could tell Hope the memory about building their first bird house only for it to turn into a fight club between a bird and a squirrel.  To this day Josie was convinced that bird had a hatred for the squirrel and the fight was personal. 

But the more Josie thought about her favorite childhood memory, nothing else came to mind. She only had a childhood when she was with Hope. She only smiled when she was away from home. 

Then Josie smiled and like magic her lips begin to move. Her eyes looking far out into the distance almost as if she was talking directly to the wall behind Hope. 

"Do you know what I remember about my favorite childhood memory?" Josie began. "When my mother read to me. Stupid things, dragons and heroes, princesses... fairy tales. She wouldn't turn a page until I reached over and took her hand. That woman made every step of the story my choice. I loved that. She was very sick. Those last weeks I read to her. I had to take her hand to turn the pages. And I couldn't tell if she was too weak, or if it was the old game..."

"That doesn't sound like a happy memory" Hope quietly said, trying to take in the story. Reading between the lies hoping to get something out of it. But there wasn't anything instead, she just began to listen and hear the story for what it was. 

"It's what happened next that made it my favorite" Josie gave a thin line smile. She pushed herself off the wall and nodded her head towards the side signaling hope to follow her. 

"Well what happened next?" Hope said a little more egger than expected. Josie let out a laugh. 

"I thought I told you it would be the last question" Josie shook her head. but Hope wasn't giving up that easily. Throughout their entire conversation the two were going back and forth playing 21 question and all the masked girl was giving Hope was one worded or lame answers. Finally Hope had something more other than a simple basic answer that led no where. 

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