New life

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As soon as Izuku stepped through the portal it closed. He walked out of the alley. His clothes was torn and he had blood on him.

"Hey kid you Okay?" a random man said looking at the state Izuku was in.

"Yea I'm okay, but can you tell me where I'm at?"

"Oh, your in Kuoh." Izuku's mind started racing as he didn't know where Kuoh was.

"Hmm, I'm still in Japan right?"

The man looked at Izuku as if he was crazy. Then answered "Yea this is Japan."

Izuku started thinking 'I've never heard of Kuoh before. 'Wait what if'...'

"Excuse me but what year is it." Izuku asked

"2007, Are you sure your feeling okay?"
Izuku's face showed panic. 'It's 2007 I went back in time.' Izuku snapped out of his thoughts and ran. "I'm sorry but I have to go."

Izuku ran to a forest near the city. "Okay, calm down. I just opened up a portal that sent me back in time. All i have to do is open another one to go back home." Izuku was about to try and create another portal to go home. Until he thought of something. "Wait, what if I go back farther in the past or something?"

"I think you should go find out something about where you're at." 6th user of One For All said

It was late at night and Izuku had found a library. Sneaking in, He was currently searching for anything about this time. After searching for awhile he found out that he was in a different universe. How did he find this out? Well the fact that some cities in his universe that's been around for years is nowhere to be found. Also there isn't anybody with a quirk.

"Well, I'm in a different universe." Said Izuku

"What are you thinking, kid?" Nana said

"I can't exactly open up another portal hoping that it'll take me home. What if I end up in a world with aliens roaming the earth or something."

"So are you going to live here?" All Might asked

"Yea, no supervillain running around killing people. I can blend in with the people among this world."


It has been a few months since Izuku came to this world. He was able to buy a penthouse by turning rubble into diamonds and selling it for cash. He hated cheating the system, but that's the only way he can support himself as a teenager can't find a legal job that can support himself. He also got to reunite with his mentor All Might and Stars and Stripes as she is now part of the vestige world. Izuku was able to grasp her quirk easily. As for the quirk she pulled into the vestige world with her 'overhaul' thanks to one of Buu's ability to learn techniques quickly he was able to use Overhaul to its full capabilities since he saw Kai Chisaki use it.

All Might Suggested that he should go back to school and make some friends in this new world, but Izuku was against it. Aside from his time at U.A he didn't really make friends at any other time in his life. Izuku was bullied in elementary and junior high by most of the kids while the teachers did nothing about it.

All Might and the previous users of One For All was able to convince him to give this world a shot. Saying that it's better than sitting around moping about his previous life all day.


Izuku made it to Kuoh academy. If there's one thing Izuku doesn't like it's being the center of attention, that's what is going on right now. He's not as plain looking as he was in his universe. Having messy green hair isn't as boring here.

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