A match made in hell

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A/N: I've created a few O.C let me know what you think of them they will appear again in another chapter.

I hate it when anime drags out a relationship it'll take the whole series for two characters to get together yea we're not doing that here Raynare x Izuku at the end of this chapter. a lot of teasing until a full blown lemon at the end.

Before we begin this chapter, there's a few disclaimers.

1. I don't have a nun fetish (you'you'll see when you read the chapter).

2. I promise you this isn't smut. There's actually a plot to it. LOL

This chapter is 12k words long because I kept adding stuff to it, making it feel more alive if that makes sense.

This is one of those chapters where you would hold onto it and be like 'should I really publish this.'


"Do you have eyes on Izuku?" Sona asked Rias as they were communicating through a hologram.

She replied, "Yes, Koneko is tailing him."

"That's good my Peerage is busy today so I can't have eyes on him."

"Koneko got everything under control. So far he haven't done nothing to provoke a confrontation."

"I'll send a few of my members to trail him later on You'll let me know if he does anything before then." Sona said before cutting the connection.

"Is it necessary to trail him like that?" Akeno asked.

"You saw how dangerous he could be; with power like that. He'll become a threat if left unchecked. And for crying out loud I hope she finds the source of his power."


Asia, Issei, and Izuku were in the forest getting some much-needed training in. Both Asia and Izuku could heal Issei if he got hurt. Izuku had to admit he was impressed with his power, but he wanted to see him in an actual fight.

"Someone is watching you guys," the second user commented.

"Yeah, I know. Probably Koneko. They can follow me all they want I got nothing to hide."

Asia was teaching Issei about magic when Izuku's danger sense went off.

When Izuku turned around he was met with two female fallen angels and they had a wicked smile on their faces.

"Fallen angels," Izuku commented, seeing their wings.

"Lady Kalawarner and Mittelt." Asia said.

Kalawarner looked over at Issei and her eyes widened. "How are you alive? I killed you?"

"I guess you angel rejects aren't good at assassinations." Issei proclaimed looking at the woman.

"Hmph. No matter, I can just kill you again." Kalawarner said before creating a light spear and flying towards him.

Before she made contact with Issei Kalawarner was sent flying from a kick by Izuku.

"You're not hurting anyone as long as I'm here." Izuku stated defiantly.

"Green hair? You're the boy who killed Dohnaseek." Kalawarner stated after looking at Izuku.

"I'm going to kill you before we take Asia. Mittelt, come assist me." After hearing Kalawarner, Mittelt flew towards the ground.

Izuku was prepared to fight until Issei spoke up. "Hey, Izuku," he said. "Let me fight them."

"No, can't risk you getting hurt."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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