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  The sun shined brightly as the two teens were still cuddled up on Chunho's bed, Ilha just woke up from the bright light that shined into the room, he looked to his side only to see the love of his life Y/N laying beside him sleeping peacefully. Ilha just admired her beauty getting lost in her ethereal features  only to be interrupted by a sound coming from his phone , he groaned slightly before checking who texted him in the early morning . Of course it was one of his dorky friends , it turned out to be Taeman telling him that he is in front of his familiy's restaurant. He sighed as he slightly shaked his head then turned to see Y/N moving around looking scared so he immediately woke her up and hugged her patting her back to calm her down

MEANWHILE in Y/N's dream :

I was running away from the spheres when i saw a lot of spheres ahead of me too and i had no choice but to stop but i saw my classmate Soyoung fall and injure herself so i went to help her quickly but i was too late and couldn't save her.

 Thats when i felt someone shake me and i suddenly woke up and was hugged by someone and then i realized the one that was hugging me was Ilha , i was kind of shocked seeing him here so early but then i realized that i was in my brothers room and understood that he let Ilha sleep here . After i calmed down i and Ilha got ready for school as Ilha also had some spare clothes here , after getting ready we went out only to find my brother sitting at the table eating some toast and drinking coffee . I sneaked up behind him and then...

"BOO !" i said as i hugged my brother from behind and kissed his cheek, i laughed seeing him trying to act like he wasn't startled .

"Good morning" me and Ilha both said to my brother at the same time as he turned to look at us.

"Good morning" he said casually

"Oh btw Oppa can you please sign this , its for the military training in school" i said

" You want to apply? Are you sure ,you know that it is quite difficult, you've experienced it before" he said with a little bit of concern being heard in his voice.

" Exactly , that's why i want to apply" i said confidently 

" Hmm , Okayy" he said while signing the paper

" Now lets go or you guys will be late" he said while smiling slightly seeing me clinging onto his and Ilha's arms while smiling widely.

Chanho then drove us to the school , as we arrived everyone started looking at us since we came with a soldier and a military car so of course people were surprised if i saw that and my brother wasn't in the military i would be surprised too ,but me and Ilha didnt care so we said bye to my brother and started walking in the school meeting with the other two on the way and ended up talking while walking in the corridors.

Me and the boys were just talking when Ms.Park walked in with someone but we didnt see who it was yet but were shocked when we saw my brother came in and introduced himself. After finishing he glanced at the four of us still in shock and frozen in place after getting to know that he'll be in charge of our training, we just looked at each other and Chanho just smiled at us.

I smiled back happy that he will be the one training us and not someone else..

Word count : 624

Final word count : 631

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