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Y/N's POV 

I was eating peacefully when a student from class 3-1 who was known as Younghoon's older brother  came to our table and said :

" Hey!" said Youngbin as we looked at him with a confused face that slowly turned into a nervous face knowing that his brother was killed before our eyes

" Yeah??" I asked nervously looking at Ilha and then back to Youngbin.

" Do you know where my brother Younghoon is i haven't seen him since you guys entered? Did something happen?" he asked curiously 

" Uhh-" I was about to speak but i was cut off by Ilha.:

" He got hurt last night and was sent home but don't worry , nothing serious happened he just twisted his ankle while he was taking out the trash." said Ilha with a calm voice

" Oh... I didn't know well please tell me if he comes back okay?" he asked in a quiet voice while mostly looking at one person and that person was Y/N..

After we ate our lunch we were called to go training so we hurried and got our equipment and got down to the school yard . We waited a little for my brother to show up and we started with our usual training but was told after to go up to classroom 2-3 so we did curious about what we were going to do there.

When my brother entered along with Mr.Park his good friend he started speaking;

" As you all know your personal firearms are the only one you can trust not your friends or you partner its only your personal firearm so you have to know how to use it properly." he said looking at us with a stern face

" Thats why today we are gonna see how fast you guys can assemble you firearms and those who fail to do it in 2 minutes will receive a punishment." he said again with stern eyes.

I saw that some people were whispering and suddenly heard Soyeon fangirling:

" Lieutenant Lee is so cool!!" she said in a low tone but it was enough for me to hear and i just shook my head looking at her.

" Group One!!" exclaimed Lieutenant Lee so i stood up along with four others and sat down on a chair in the front then my brother started the timer and i finished the fastest , my time was 5 seconds and then I:

" Finished!" I exclaimed and saw a proud face coming from both my brother and Mr.Park while all my classmates including the 3 boys looked shook but i shrugged it off, i mean what did they expect my brother is literally in the military and he taught me some things.

Everyone did well and now only one group was left .

" Start!"

Soon enough everyone was done assembling their firearms except one person ... 

We ended up barely having any dinner because of that one person but I didn't mind.

After eating we all bid each other good night and slept.

Word count : 504

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