True Story Of An Addict S01 E46

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I shifted my attention away from the hustles going on the street to a particular lady whose shape and figure looked like someone I’ve seen before. Although she was making her way towards the direction of my street, I couldn’t really picture who she is precisely because of the distance.

I watched as she walked closer and closer to my house. Soon, I was able to have a clearer picture of who was coming my direction. Alas! It is Janet! Jezz. What is she doing here? I waited until she almost walked past my house before I called her phone. She stopped  walking to check who was calling. She started smiling before asnswering the call,

Janet: Hello sir. Good morning.

Me: Good morning dear. How are you today?

Janet: I am fine ooo. What about you?

Me: I am doing good too. Are you at home?

Janet: Errrmmm, I am actually around Ikate. I came to see a friend.

Me: Ikate this morning? I thought you said you don’t come here any longer because your friend moved out?

Janet: That’s true but there is another friend here too.

Me: Hmmmm. Ok ooo. Can you turn to your left side?

She turned.

Janet: I have turned o.

Me: Good. Now, as you are standing, just look up slowly.

She did. I started waving my hand for her to see me. When she saw me, she couldn’t believe her eyes. She covered her mouth obviously to prevent her from screaming. I gestured to her to come through the gates. I went downstairs to meet her because I don’t want her to come upstairs. The last thing I needed that morning is a seductive, loose lady, who might provoke the animal. Obviously by her appearance, she wasn’t really going to see a friend in the literal sense, instead, she was going to see one of her MAGAs, I assumed. She wrapped her arms around me with cheer excitement, her big b0s0m fully pressed against my body,

Janet: Uncle Femiiiiii. It’s really good to see you oo. Is this where you stay?

Me: Errmm…yea. So who are you actually going to….

Janet: We can’t be talking outside now when your apartment is upstairs. Let’s go inside.


Reluctantly I led her to my flat. With excitement written all over her face, she walked in jubilantly and made her way straight to the seats,

Janet: Uncle Femi, your house fine ooo.

Me: Thank you Janet. Who are you actually going to see? (I asked her as I locked the door behind me)

Janet: I told you now: a friend.

Me: Boy or girl?

Janet: Actually it is a boy. He is a friend to my ex-boyfriend.

Me: So you’re now dating your ex’s friend?

Janet: Nooooo. Haba! Uncle Femi? He said I should come and see him because of what I told him about my ex.

Me: And you’re not afraid he might lay a trap for you?

Janet: Noooo! Never. I trust him die. He’s a good man.

Me: Well, if you say so.

Janet: Why are you at home this morning? No work?

Me: I took a sick leave. I’ll resume work Monday.

Janet: Sick leave? Eeyah… Sorry. For how long?

Me: Two weeks.

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